
2017年9月に発売されました。モデル番号はA1863、A1905。GSM もしくはCDMA/容量は64か256GB/ゴールド、シルバーとスペースグレイ

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iPhone 8 wireless foil damaged - can I still use?

Hello everyone, I am replacing my iphone 8 battery and damaged the black foil (wireless charging coil?) by accident. Can I still use the iphone with the new battery?

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Added insulating tape to the damaged parts of the black foil and unconnected the power of black foil.

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スコア 0

1 件の回答


Yes, it would work fine without it. If you are too worried, you can add a small piece of tape to cover the lifted film. The battery doesn’t even adhere to that with the pull tabs.


スコア 2

4 件のコメント:


I used insulating tape (red color) to cover the damaged black foil and disconnected the connector to the motherboard so it wont get power. Also used insulating tape to seperate the connection.

[image|2729679] (added picture to OP)

Do you think this is safe enough? I turned on the phone and its working :)


Yes, that will probably be fine. I doubt you even need to disconnect the coil as it looks fine. @lekkervlaai


One more question, do you know if the nfc pay will work without the black foil?


The wireless charging induction coil doubles as a receiver for the NFC communication, so no, Apple Pay won't work with the coil unplugged.

I'm with @thequacker in thinking that the coil itself looks okay; I think you just dinged up the insulating layer on top of it. That layer is more of a safety measure, since the only thing it's going to come in contact with is the battery, which has its own insulation anyway. So I think your tape will be fine.

If it was mine, I'd try plugging it back in and seeing if it's working or not. If not, fine, unplug it, but otherwise I'd go with it as is. Of course, you could always just replace it; they're not terribly expensive, although you will probably have to pull the logic board to get to it.




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