
2012年6月発売。Core i7プロセッサ 、Turbo Boost / 最大1 GB DDR5 Video RAM

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Can't get the MacBook Pro to boot into macOS for some reason

Hey Dan, A weird thing is happening, my MacBook Pro has Windows on it and the partition is Bootcamp the thing is that I can't get the system to boot into macOS for some reason, it says that there's a Windows disk and a Windows partition and not a macOS disk, that is very strange, do you know what might be happening here in my MacBook Pro, is there a command I can give at startup in order to boot in macOS? It only boots into Windows

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1 件の回答

Boy another system full of surprises! Did you ever read the story about Sybil? Sybil: The Classic True Story of a Woman Possessed by Sixteen Personalities she later confessed it was all fake! Real 'Sybil' Admits Multiple Personalities Were Fake

So what does this have to do with your Mac? Simple put you either have a Mac system running macOS or you have a Mac systems running MS Windows gaining access to Windows via a VM shell which is what BootCamp is!

If you need access to the BookCamp volume you'll need to create a Windows drive to then access the volume. Otherwise delete it!

But the question is did you salvage your stuff on your iMac?


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Hey Dan, I have solved the bootcamp thing on the MacBook Pro 2011!! I have removed Windows bootcamp and now I just have High Sierra. It works very well!




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