
A wide range of repair guides and support for the consumer-grade laptop computer line by Toshiba.

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Installed Toshiba Setup Tool for BIOS, Now it wont BOOT anything.

I was trying get into the BIOS

menu on my Toshiba Satellite C75D-B7260 Laptop and nothing was happening when id try the f keys. (This was when my laptop was working nirmal on Windows 8.1)

Since nothing was happening I had read that you can I install a BIOS(ToshibaSetup) via the Toshiba website, I randomly downloaded and installed. So i went to the program and chose the optiins to restar my laptop on recovery UuEE . My laptop turned off and now isstuck on no bootable device, then when I change the order for boith says an Intel (1998-2000) something and says nothings detected Exiting Rom.

My question is, since I have no other computer, can i use my jailbroken HEN ps3 to download whtever it is i neei need to my USB stick then hook that up to my laptop?

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1 件の回答


I don't know about using your ps3 to do it, but either borrowing a friend's pc or even on an android phone with the proper apps you should be able to prepare a usb stick to flash the correct bios. First you need to get the correct BIOS go Toshiba support your device select your operating system and download the bios update be sure you select the Correct model, operating system and 32 or 64 bit READ and be sure you understand the instructions. Next you need to either format the usb stick as bootable media and follow the toshiba instructions or you can try doing it as described on this page again; be certain you read and understand what to do before you proceed "randomly" ok? If you don't understand, or need more help just ask. Good luck.


スコア 1


If you can add a photo of the error screen it might be helpful in guiding you better.




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