
2013年11月22日に発売されたMicrosoftの第三世代のXbox ゲームコンソールです。

727回答 すべてを表示

Red ethanol for cleaning?

Can I use red ethanol to fix water damage?? The kind used for outdoor cooking devices. My xbox controller has water damage, I think some rust has developed.

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1 件の回答

Hi Sara,

In the repair shop, we use 99% isopropyl alcohol and a toothbrush. You’ll need to take the controller apart and assess areas you suspect of having water damage. Corrosion usually turns blue if it’s old.

From memory, the controllers use a T9 Security bit. You need to use this exact tool as trying other sizes/types can strip out screws and make it way harder to get into.

The sooner you remove water damage the higher the chances of fixing the issue. Hope this helps.


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