
Repair information for the 2017 Toro Compact Stump Grinder with model number 22600HD or 22600, and serial numbers from 316000001 to 316999999.

1回答 すべてを表示

Step 13 - replacing the centrifugal clutch - remove the bolt

I saw the guide for replacing the clutch written by Sam Omiotek. I am at step 13 where it says to remove the bolt from the end of the crankshaft. But it doesn’t say how to hold the crankshaft. The bolt spins the crankshaft so there’s no torque available to remove the bolt. How do I keep the shaft from spinning while unscrewing the bolt? Help!

If you will email me directly I would much appreciate it. michael@bolincpa.com Or office phone 325-632-2011. Central time zone.

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1 件の回答

I usually use a good box end wrench. position it so you can wack the end of the wrench with a hammer. similar to using a impact gun.


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