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iPod Video not connecting to any computer. Not even old ones.

My iPod will not connect to a computer. It will charge but I don’t here the device insert sound and it will not show up. It is not my computer because a iPod nano will work and I connected to a Windows 7 laptop and got the same result result. I tried to reinstall iTunes but that didn’t help. The 30 pin connector makes a high pitched sound when I plug it in so the connector may be bad.

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7 件のコメント:

@fpfp have you cleaned the connector with a few drops of isopropyl alcohol and a few puffs of compressed air? Have you taken a close look at it to see if the pins are bend/broken? Have you tried a new/different cable?


@oldturkey03 I tried that but it didn't help.


@fpfp does your iPod work as it should (with the exception of not being recognized)?


@oldturkey03 It does turn on but it has a code so I can't do anything with it.


@fpfp what kind of code?




1 件の回答

@fpfp yes that makes sense. your iPod will not connect for as long as it has the passcode. It will charge but nothing else. It will not get recognized.


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4 件のコメント:

But when I but it in disk mode, it still does not get recognized and in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9MQnadY..., the iPod is locked but still connects.


Did you see in those instructions that you need to put your iPod in disk mode? Anyhow I don't think that this is a dock connector issue or a cable issue. This seems more of a software/firmware issue and a passcode issue. Take a look on here and see if that gives you any results How do I unlock my iPod Classic?


@oldturkey03 The form says to connect to a computer but I can't.

And I think it is a hardware issue because even apple says to connect to a computer, that even in disk mode it won't connect, and that the iPod looks like it has been dropped at some point.


@fpfp going to be very different since you cannot access the iPod. you can of course remove the drive and use a USB-ZiF connector to format the drive and remove all the old files. Then reinstall the firmware and use it then.




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