
2015年9月25日にAppleから発売されたiPhone 6Sの修理情報とガイドです。モデル A1688、A1633。

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My iPhone6s won't charge pass 17% after battery replacement!

My iphone6s won't charge pass 17% and will crashing after go into “battery health” section in setting(the loading spin and not showing anything).i plugged in charging cable to charge it for 6+ hours now and it just won't go pass 17%.

And interestingly, i replaced the new one with the old battery which is faulty right now, and it will charge normally, but because it’s faulty, the phone keep crashing randomly at 70% and below. Anyone has a way to fix this ? thanks in advanced.

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2 件のコメント

First thing first, back up your phone if you have not already.

Second, with the new battery installed, restore the OS and see if it functions as expected. If it does, restore your backup and make sure everything still works.

Report back, if that doesn't work, you probably got a defective battery (especially since your old one works).


is it a n ifixit battery? if so they should let you exchange it no problem.





So uhm, after Marshall’s suggestion, i restored the phone to the newest version of IOS and it works properly now. So it’s a software rather than the hardware which is weird. i even tried to restore the phone to version 10.3.3 the old one but i can’t because it’s not supported anymore. Even though it works now but men, the newest one has put a lot of stress on my phone ==, only take 20 mins of usage and it heated like the sands under the sun.
Thanks for everybody attention and thank you for your help Marshall.


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You might have gone to a bad repair shop. Try going to one in a Walmart or somewhere that foreshore is trustworthy.


スコア 2

Hoàng Long Phạm “i replaced the new one with the old battery which is faulty right now, and it will charge normally,” points toward a bad battery. Return your battery and replace with a quality new one, then re-evaluate


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iPhone 6s hardware and software


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