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Where can I find a good battery replacement?

i have a very old gameboy advance sp that’s been passed around the family for several years. after leaving it charging for several months we found the battery expanded to nearly twice it’s size. good thing we caught it so we could unplug the console and remove the battery. the battery case flew right off! we took off the bottom casing to check for any damage or warping, and so far everything looks okay. just the battery case is a little bent.

i’m wondering where i can find a good battery replacement. i know lithium ion batteries are notorious for expanding when overcharged. is there a different kind of battery with the same milliAmp hours and voltage that could work? are there any li-ion batteries that can better handle overcharge? and where are the best places to look?

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1 件の回答


@fleridan it is difficult to give you an objective answer since previous experiences weigh in. I would suggest that you DO NOT get a battery for your GBA from Ebay. There you really do not know what you are getting. It’s to much of a crap shoot. I would look for something like a OSTENT battery for your device. Those are relative high quality and good batteries. Overcharging is never good for those batteries and does really not happen as often as we think. It is usually managed through the battery control board and a good quality battery will less likely suffer from that.


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4 件のコメント:

it's possible i could actually get one close by from a hardware shop! the results i find show they might differ slightly in voltage and milliAmps. is it possible that could show different effects in the console like battery life or how much power goes into it?


@fleridan as long as it is not overly aggressive it should be okay. The voltage should be the same the mA really just determine how fast it drains etc. I am not sure about a hardware store having it but if they do, that is great.


As a tester pack, I would be okay with an eBay battery but once I know the unit is good, I'd buy a quality pack.


there are some hardware stores that I’ve the battery. is dantona a good battery?




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