
9月20日に発売された、Appleのメインストリームとなる2019年iPhoneモデルには、6.1インチLCDタッチスクリーン、デュアルカメラが搭載されており、6色から選べるカラーセレクションです。iPhone XRの継続モデル。

490回答 すべてを表示

iPhone 11 rear cameras and flashlight do not work. What is wrong?

So my buddy was skateboarding one day and he tripped while riding and fell on the ground smashing his 11 screen-first that was in his hand. It had a good case and screenprotector but the screen suffered extensive damage. Luckily only the first layer of glass was smashed. The touch and LCD are just fine though. But he realized that after, BOTH the rear cameras did not work at all in any setting, and the flashlight would not work. Nothing was greyed out like you could click the flashlight button and it would show that it is on but the actual flash would not turn on. For the rear cameras, It would just show a black screen. The front camera still works just fine though. Everything else on the phone works just fine as well. I know that if the cameras are broken the flashlight will not work since they are on the same power lines or something and vice versa, but I am wondering if it is the camera unit(s) that are internally damaged or if something got knocked off the logic board because he fell really hard on the phone. I really doubt that the flashlight is the cause for the rear cameras not working so I think it’s something on the board or if it is the cameras. I opened the phone up to see if there was any visual damage (connectors, cameras, etc) and everything seemed fine. So I am just wondering what the issue is if I should buy a new rear camera unit or if it’s most likely a logic board issue. Please help!

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スコア 1

1 件の回答


Unfortunately it seems that rear cameras have suffered some internal damage causing them to no longer work. Does the flashlight button become greyed out when you unplug the rear cameras from the logic board or does it still act as if it could be turned on? You may be able to take it into a repair shop and they’ll be able to tell you if the cameras themselves are damaged or if the problem is localised to the logic board.


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

I unplugged the rear cameras on the phone and turned the phone on to see if the flashlight was greyed out. The flashlight is not greyed out when I unplugged the rear cameras. Is this a sign of the camera units being faulty or is the camera IC chip on the logic board damaged?


Hmmm perhaps the IC on the board is the issue if disconnecting the cameras doesn't restore the flash. Repairing a damaged chip on the logic board is much harder than any other modular repair and should only be done by a professional microsolderer with experience. I'd suggest taking it to a repair shop that has a microengineer as they would have a much higher chance of fixing this.




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