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Are there training classes on how to use tools? Wii-related.

Howdy! I’m new here. I wanted to ask a couple questions about console repair-related stuff as I’ve seen lots of console repair videos and I’m very interested in doing it myself. I’ve previously looked at this site to figure out how to replace disc drives and maybe fix dead AV on my old Wii (it’s the first model from 2006, which I’ve heard is known to run into problems with the video and disc drive). I did end up sending it to someone to have it fixed, but I guess my main question is: are there certain requirements or training procedures for using soldering tools? I know fixing AV trouble involves soldering, and I know there’s a lot of burn risks involved. I’d like advice on where I can learn to to use soldering tools so I can repair stuff beyond just replacing parts and cleaning.

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1 件の回答


there's lots of educational videos on soldering out there. But all the videos in the world don't help with experience. Get some trashed pieces, watch some videos to see what you need to do, get some tools, and practice practice practice. Using trash items means if you screw up you can figure out what you did wrong, and learn from it, without destroying the things you want to repair.


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

Make sure to watch multiple videos from multiple sources.


I appreciate it!




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