

56回答 すべてを表示

Why does my phone flash back to the home screen when I try to open ap

Apps will not open, flashes back to home screen

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1 件の回答

Hi @leftylewis1963

Try the following and check if any of them resolve the problem.

i). Wipe the cache partition and then check if it now works OK.

ii). Start the phone in safe mode and check if it now works OK.

If it works OK in safe mode then a downloaded app is the cause of the problem. You will need to uninstall each downloaded app, one by one and test the phone in normal mode between each uninstall to see if it works OK. When it does then the last downloaded app that was uninstalled was the culprit. A downloaded app is one that you downloaded and installed on the phone and wasn’t pre-installed on the phone when you first got it.


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4 件のコメント:


Hi Jayeff

This is a problem with a Google service update on Android. It should be fixed by updating the Chrome and Webview apps from the Android Play Store.


Hi @oscarsp


Just curious though how this would be done if safe mode doesn't work either and no apps stay open as the OP says, e.g. Play Store app or even the Settings app so that you could enable the "unknown devices" setting and then install them with an updated .apk file.

Maybe I'm out of date with the newer OS versions as I'm still using a phone with Android 4.4 (still suits my purposes)

Don't get old ;-)



@jayeff I do not know the exact reason. It seems that some Google service failed and this gave errors when the applications tried to connect to certain servers. Everything is connected, if something fails, everything fails ... They will no longer call me crazy when I save things offline hehe

Take care of yourself!



Crazy is only when you make backups of backups as I do ;-)

Stay safe.





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