MacBook Pro 2013 keeps dying


I recenlty got a 2013 macbook pro from a friend to play around with, he doesnt use it no more. I opened the machine and blew out all the dust and did a fresh install of Mojave. Computer worked absolutely fine for about 3 weeks, no issues to report whatsoever.

Last week I opened the laptop after it was sitting on the desk for about 2 hours on the charger, and it didnt respond. Just nothing, black screen but I could hear the fans spinning. I turned the machine off and tried to boot but still nothing. I did an SMC and NVRAM/PRAM reset and I got to the login screen a couple times. When entering the login password and pressing enter, the desktop started loading but the machine went black again before I could see my desktop.

I went and did a partition check on the SSD in recovery mode. but no issues there. During a second test the machine shut down again.

I went on and did a fresh install of Mojave, i got into the installation wizard but at 3/4 of the installation process the computer shut down again. So I tried a second fresh install and this time I got through the installation, but system shut down again during startup/login.

I tried installing Linux UBUNTU as well to check (fingers crossed…) it could still be a software problem. I got ubuntu installed and got to the desktop, but after 30 seconds of use the system shut down, sometimes it instantly shuts down during login.

So I guess its a hardware issue but i dont really know where to look; battery? Memory? Any advice? Thanks!

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