
同名の社会的企業によって作られたフェアフォンの第2世代。2015年12月発売。モデル番号は FP2-XCVR

20回答 すべてを表示

I need to put my speaker on when calling

I have a Fairphone 2. it still works quite okay, I only have the issue that the one receiving my phone call doesn’t hear my voice unless I put the speaker on which means that I don’t have any privacy anymore as everything we talk about is loud and clear for everybody :(. What do I have to replace in order to solve that problem?

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First use a strong light and a magnifying glass and check if you can see if the voice inlet hole on the bottom edge of the phone appears to be blocked at all. If it is or if you’re not quite sure, do not use a pin or probe to try and clear it as you may damage components in the phone. Try using a vacuum cleaner to suck out any obstruction.

If you still cannot be heard on a call, most probably there is a problem with the primary microphone

Here is a link to the ifixit Fairphone 2 Microphone Module Replacement guide that will help.

There is also an app available on the phone that allows you to test the primary microphone as well as a lot of the other hardware in the phone which may also help.


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Rina Teeuwen-van der Ende さん、ありがとうございました!

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