
9月20日に発売された、Appleのメインストリームとなる2019年iPhoneモデルには、6.1インチLCDタッチスクリーン、デュアルカメラが搭載されており、6色から選べるカラーセレクションです。iPhone XRの継続モデル。

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3rd party display - genuine display message

Hey there,

my iPhone 11 screen is broken and I‘m thinking of repairing it by my own. So I collected all needed informations. At least I read about the genuine display message, which is popping up. I can‘t fix this by my own (already watched the video and I‘m to afraid of a chip grinding removal). So I called a repair service nearby and asked for „only doing this chip thing“. He told me since iOS 14.2 the Message won’t appear anymore. Is this True?

Actually the message itself isn’t this bad. I‘m planning to use a refurbished display, so quality will be fine. But I‘m thinking about selling it on future and surely a buyer will not be amused about this stupid fake warning.

So, did anyone managed to replace the display without getting a hint about genuine display and also without switching chip? Or is it still the same problem?

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Thanks btw, I‘m really grateful for the fast answer. ☺️



1 件の回答


Yes you will get a screen warning if the IC chip isn’t transferred over. Whether its a genuine screen or not you’ll still get the same message. I believe the message will be displayed on the home screen for 4 days, then 15 days in the settings, so be extra careful when refurbishing the original display.


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2 件のコメント:

So iOS 14.2 doesn’t solve this and they guy was less informed than me. I kinda what I expected, but it still makes me sad.


Apple will never do anything which is pro consumer, unless they get taken to court over it and lose and then they have to change it. I can't see why they would willingly make a software change to allow people to replace and fix their own iPhones screens.




Katrin さん、ありがとうございました!

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