
Guides and repair information for Logitech speakers.

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Danger of replacing subwoofer power supply?


So I have the Logitech Z506 Speaker System, and for whatever reason the sub emits a constant popping noise to any connected speaker when power is introduced regardless of input. I assume this is an issue in the power supply.

How dangerous would this be to replace and what could I do and or use (maybe rubber gloves?) to lessen my chance of being shocked to death?

The unit is rated 120V-240V 50/60Hz 800mA


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2 件のコメント:

Hi No Name, of course before heading those power boards, turn the power off.

There maybe some charge in the capacitors, just take some caution to discharge the charge and yea, safety PPE like gloves is recommended.


Better to show it to electrician means who do repairing of electronic products like TV speakers etc or contact service centres or customer care.



1 件の回答

This was in the comments, but it should be an answer… This is not my words, they are from Augustine. I am not trying to steal the answer, but help the person who asked.

“Hi No Name, of course before heading those power boards, turn the power off.

There maybe some charge in the capacitors, just take some caution to discharge the charge and yea, safety PPE like gloves is recommended.”


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