Settings drains my battery

My gear s2 watch battery will not hold a charge for more than 5 hours. turns out, my settings is using 50% of my battery. as far as I know if I were to force stop the settings, my phone would most likely not work. how can I attempt to even fix it? I've already restarted my phone, I did a factory reset, deleted unnecessary apps, I optimized apps that were not optimized, I force stopped apps that I was not able to uninstall but don't use anyway. I don't use the wake up gesture, I uninstalled the WEAR app then reinstalled it. I ot rid of watch faces, news apps and the weather app. all of the remaining apps in my phone, for the most part use 3% of the battery, including the s health app. I limited notifications, I don't use the wake up gesture, I have dim colors. this is my third Samsung watch and I'm very familiar with how to maximize the battery life. I've never had an issue with the settings. this issue did not happen after an update, I don't auto update anything, it just one day didn't work not did it happen after anything was downloaded either.

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