How to fix my Heater DeLonghi Bend Line HFX65V20?
Hi all,
My DeLonghi Bend Line HFX65V20 stopped responding. I took it apart. There is a component that catches my attention, I do not know what it is or if what it has on the outside is normal or it has melted. I need help. I leave you photos so you can study it .
Do you think that component is in bad condition?
What is that component?
Update (10/19/2020)
Hi @jayeff,
Thanks for you answer.
Let’s me show the other board:
At first glance I cannot identify problems here. The bz1 was my hope, because I do not have the expertise to discover the problem myself if it is a component that externally seems good.
Any idea??
Thanks again,
Update (10/19/2020)
Hello everyone,
I was about to ressemble the Heater and I notices that the board makes a little sound when shaken. After touching, shaking, close-hearing and think it comes from inside the TOS1 (RBS31) the black box near the BZ1 boozer.
Is it a transitor? (for me to know first)
Is it suppose to have a loose piece inside?
Is it possible to be the cause for the whole board not to function?
Is it possible to verify/change this little box?
Or maybe avoid the whole board and make the heater work directly? (I doubt it but ask anyway)
The box is something like this:
Tilt sensor.
Thanks a lot,