
2017年4月に発売されたSamsungの新しいフラグシップのスマートフォン、Galaxy S8です。

304回答 すべてを表示

Is it ok to keep Galaxy S8 365 days a year on charger because HotSpot?

I know it would be better to disconnect daily - but I look answer like - “Samsung officially says DO NOT leave Galaxy S8 for longer than “x” days as it will explode”

I do not look for advise like “ better disconnect it daily” because I need it as HotSpot 365 days a year.

I look for other advises like “open it up - disconnect battery - and S8 will work without it”

But I do not know answer for that question - will it?

I know iPhone not and they will CPU throttle

thank You for help :)

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1 件の回答


Constantly leaving it on the charger can severely damage the battery and cause it to swell up. You could technically connect it to a DC power supply and eliminate the battery but that will look jerry- rigged. Why are you using the phone as a hotspot constantly?


スコア 1


because it is cheaper to move from WiFi to SIM only (unlimited 4G) here in UK




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