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One AirPod speaker is generating noise when I speak or walk

One AirPod speaker is generating noise when I speak or walk. Has anyone else experienced this? How difficult would it be to open the AirPod pro and diagnose if this is just a loose part of the speaker, and if so would it Be possible to glue the part in some way to fix this?

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1 件の回答


Ive had this issue before, since airpods pro are under a year old you can take them to Apple and get a free replacment, I believe the issue comes from the adhesive coming dislodged.


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4 件のコメント:

I was worried they would claim that a drop on the floor would be the reason and want me to pay for a new AirPod, but luckily they answered now that I will receive a new one covered by the warranty. Also found that even if it was my fault the cost would be about 1/3 of the purchase price to replace a single AirPod, so that will be an option when I’m out of warranty.


I've had both of mines replaced due to this issue. The left side had to be replaced twice and right once. I've never dropped them. I'm concerned what will happen when the warranty runs out. It's clear Apple hasn't found a permanent fix.


Hi I'm experiencing probably a similar issue. My right airpod makes a rattling noise when I speak and when I take steps. I tried switching the white rubber piece from the left to the right so see if that was the culprit. But the rattling continued. I got mine as a gift two Christmas' ago, I'm guessing the only way is to go through Apple? I would love your guidance. Thank you!


@jyeom Apple now have a replacement program available and if you explain that you couldn't go to the store due to covid they'll often replace them even outside of the program




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