
モデル番号A1419 / Late 2012 / 2.9 & 3.2 GHz Core i5 or 3.4 GHz Core i7 プロセッサ

330回答 すべてを表示

Installed new display, fan is running at full speed. What can I do?

The system was not giving fan spin-up before display replacement. I tried two separate replacement displays. Both displays are the same and are listed as being compatible with the Late 2012 27-inch iMac. The identification on the displays lists them as LM270WQ1 (SD)(F1) The displays appear to be in good condition. When I install them, I get full-speed constant fan spinning. What should I do?

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5 件のコメント

Did you switch hard drives by any chance? Can you tell which of the three fans is run away?


What was the reason for changing the screen?


@mayer So far as I can tell there only appears to be one central fan in the machine. This is the fan that is spinning. The hard drive was replaced with a Samsung SSD, but to the best of my knowledge this model does not require an additional temperature sensor to monitor the SSD temp (I have done the same replacement on the same model before and did not get fan spin up). The fan spin-up occurs in the same way when the machine is powered on with the display fully disconnected, so my hunch is that it's not receiving the correct data from the temp sensor on the display (though the graphics show up fine and neither the display nor the ports on the main logic board appear to be damaged). I have also reset the SMC and the PRAM hoping this might help, but they didn't.


try ssdfancontrol. after install and restart turn it to smart on lefthand side. https://exirion.net/ssdfanctrl/


well you got there! so not a doofus anymore



1 件の回答


I am a doofus! The solution was simple. I had mistaken the LCD backlight inverter flex ribbon cable for the temperature sensor and had failed to notice that both of the replacement displays I had tried did not actually have a temperature sensor installed. I installed the actual temperature sensor on one of these displays and of course the issue was resolved. Looks like the problem was just due to me confusing the function of internal parts!


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