
The Dell Chromebook 11-3120 is an affordable, lightweight laptop that is most commonly used in professional and educational settings.

7回答 すべてを表示

Powering off while typing

I have a student who’s Chromebook is automatically powering down while the student is typing. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated?

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7 件のコメント:

Hi Justin, if i understand, if you start typing, the battery % will go fastly down? Or just your power supply will disconnect?


Just power off.


Hi Justin,

just last question, if the HDD is not connected and you are booted into the BIOS if you start the randomly typing on your keyboard, is the laptop still shutting down?


It is not shutting down as of right now.


Hi Justin,

so if it's not turning off after the HDD is unpluged, the HDD is damaged or the sata interface on the MB is damaged. The same situation you can create "in the laboratory" by hitting laptop into the touchpad or keyboard very hard. Then your system will crash and laptop will shut down... Try to exchange the HDD and if it's now OK, then is damaged. If not, try to analyse the SATA slot.





I would start by performing a power wash on the device. If its a school device the student would have to contact their tech department to do this because its a managed device that requires enrollment credentials.


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2 件のコメント:

I am the tech dept. I tried power washing and disconnecting the battery. The student has not came back with any problems for awhile.


Oh ok, awesome, Sorry I didn't know if you where a teacher or something else :) Hopefully, they don't. Ive had a few boards with bad soldering so maybe the pressure of the student typing is testing and shorting out so it powers off. Chromebook boards are made super cheaply especially in education



this happens commonly !!! its a screw that is loose and rolling around in the chromebook and it is where the chromebook magnet is to turn it off and the dell screws are like magnets so the will shut off the chromebook (just take off bottom and look by the charger port for a loose screw!!!!


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You can run the Power troubleshooter to adjust your computer's power settings. The Power troubleshooter checks things like your computer's timeout settings, which determine how long the computer waits before turning off the monitor display or entering sleep mode.


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