
This Apple Cinema Display is characterized by the M8149 model number and was first released in July 2000

7回答 すべてを表示

Erase mark on screen?

A Sharpie permanent marker touched the screen of one of my Apple Cinema Displays, leaving a mark about an inch long. Does anyone know the best way (any way) to remove such a mark with no (or the least possible) damage to the screen?

Maybe a chemical that will react with (remove) the black mark while not harming the display (or not too much), applied with Q-Tip or something? Magic Eraser? Any ideas?

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Use a LCD friendly spray to do it. Alcohol works too. For Sharpie, I'd use alcohol first since it usually works. Rubbing the screen would work too, but be careful what you use to do this. Some things damage or scratch the panel.

If this doesn't work, then leave it. You'll do more harm then good.


スコア 3

2 件のコメント:

+ for the editing..try for the fourth, it's subtle..


Anodex is a product that seems to be highly recommended. Anyone have any experience with it?




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