
2016年3月に発売された4インチのiPhone。ハードウェア仕様は6sに類似しています。シルバー、スペースグレイ、ゴールド、ローズゴールドのカラーが揃っています。16/64 GB容量、Model A1662とA1723

20回答 すべてを表示

The device sometimes does not recognize the cable


I have an iPhone SE that I restored.

This at first did not charge so I made a change of the lightning connector and the battery. The problem I have is that sometimes I connect the phone to the computer or to charge and it does not recognize the cable, it does not start charging or transmitting data. What I have to do is turn off the phone and plug in the cable. Once that turns on and detects it, besides that if I want to plug it later it also works but sometimes it picks up and does not detect it.

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The problem was the cheap connector replacement has different connector rather the original and that was the reason… with a oem one works fine!!!


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As first troubleshooting step, make sure you have an original or an Apple MFi certified cable as aftermarket cables around are of all sorts and may give any issue with charging, up to the extent to kill charging circuitry on the logic board. You didn’t say what iPhone previous history was, if known at all, but fact that you had to replace battery and charging dock may point to a widespread damage that might have involved the logic board. Hard to tell much without thorough testing, but take that into consideration if problem is there also with a good quality cable.


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I recommend taking a small wooden toothpick or a non-metallic tool small enough to fit into your charging port, and see if you can pick out any lint, hair, dust or debris. You can also try spraying compressed air into the charging port to help break up any blockages that can’t be removed by a toothpick.

Our phones spend a lot of time in our pockets, and sometimes lint, hair, dust and debris can get packed together, preventing your charging cable from making solid contact with the inside of your charging port.

I hope this helps!


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please try this options , I used to have this problem but mine wasn’t charging at all.

  1. Update iTunes. Generally, iPhone owners use iTunes to connect to their computers, regardless of whether they're running a Mac or a Windows PC. As such, it's always a good idea to ensure that you're on the latest version of iTunes, since the problem could stem from some kind of bug the latest version fixes.
  2. Update your operating software. If you've done all of the above, including updating iTunes, your next port of call should be to trying updating your OS (if an update is available). We delve into this for both macOS and Windows.
  3. Update your Driver Software. This step applies only to Windows users, and it involves updating the software that handles how your computer connects with your iPhone.
  4. In most cases, you would have downloaded iTunes from the Microsoft Store, which means that you need to follow the steps below:
    1. Unlock your iPhone and open the Home screen, then connect it via USB cable to your PC (close iTunes if it opens upon connecting).
    2. Click Start.
    3. Click Device Manager.
    4. Scroll down and click the Portable Devices tab (note: this may be called "Imaging Devices" or "Other Devices", depending on your version of Windows).
    5. Right-click the driver option that represents your iPhone. This may be written as "Apple iPhone" or "Apple Mobile Device", or "Apple Mobile Device USB Driver".
    6. Click Update driver.
    7. Click "Search automatically for updated driver software".
  5. After updating, you should disconnect your iPhone and then reconnect. Hopefully, your PC will recognize it.
  6. But if you happen to have downloaded iTunes from Apple (i.e. from Apple's website), you will need to take a slightly different route in updating your drivers, as described below:
    1. Unlock your iPhone and open the Home screen, then connect it via USB cable to your PC (close iTunes if it opens upon connecting).
    2. Press the Windows + R keys simultaneously, in order to open the Run command box.
    3. Type: %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers.
    4. Click OK.
    5. Right-click on the usbaapl64.inf file (may be listed as "usbaapl.inf" instead).
    6. Click Install.
  7. After installing, you should disconnected your iPhone, restart your PC, and then connect your iPhone again.
  8. Consider restoring your iPhone to its factory settings. If your iPhone still won't connect to your computer after having tried all of the above, you should consider performing a factory reset. This is a pretty drastic option, but it does sometimes work. This will wipe all the data from your device, so do consider it as a last option.


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