
The Motorola Atrix 4G is dual-core Android-powered phone by Motorola. Model Number: MB860.

20回答 すべてを表示

Broken screen on my phone

Questions....I just dropped and cracked the glass on my Atrix. Totally bummed because I've only had it a couple of months! It broke the upper left corner and I have spider cracks on the screen. I was researching replacement screens on line but I don't believe I need a new LCD screen, just the glass over it. Is this true? How hard is it to replace the glass? Any recommendations?


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You can get the glass here, and here is a good video guide to installing it.


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3 件のコメント:

Thanks for the info but is taking the whole phone apart the only way to change the digitizer? There's no way to pop it off the front? I don't want to have to take the risk of ruining the phone by trying to dismantle it myself.


Nope, you will have to disassemble it as shown to get to the display. Yes its a PITA but ....good luck


The build quality would suck if it could just be "popped off." Wouldn't feel smooth in your hand at all.



The first thing that will determine how "cheap" you will be able to repair your device is availability of parts. If you're faced with a cracked front panel, it looks like you can find a new one on Ebay for $30-$35. From there, it's about trying to find disassembly instructions and tools. Our teardown will provide you with a good start, and our tools store will give you the necessary tools. After that, the only way to get it fixed for "cheap" would be to find a friend/sibling/cousin/nephew/etc. who you can bribe with lunch at Taco Bell (Crunchwrap Supremes are only $0.99 right now!).


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This is a duplicate question (see my answer there).


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You can get the glass here for $50


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Mine broke as it slipped from my hands facedown right onto new tile just installed at home. So the skin didn't help and it took some joy out of my new tile!


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i have a atrix phone and the screen has been broken twice once my puppy got it and then my 9 month old nephew dropped it face down in the street he grabbed it out of my shirt pocket it its not that hard to break it first time it was broken got a replacement phone under insurance but now the replacement phone is not working it keeps overheating and shutting its self off now it won't even turn on or charge the battery not sure what to do not sure if i should just replace the battery if that's the problem or what is wrong


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Actually I happen to have had the same phone in fact out of all the phones I have had it was totally my favorite. But I still have the remains of mine and I know exactly how to take it apart and put it back together so it looks just like when you bought it from the store. If you would like I can fix it for you for something like twenty bucks + parts if they are needed. I have recently come into some bad luck with phones and now I am using this version pantech maurader. It's not a horrible phone but I just recently bought an LG Optimus G for sprint and it came to me with a cracked screen and Noone claims responsibility for it. So I have decided to fix it myself but it costs 80.00 which I don't have to spend on a phone. So I figure I can fix a few phones and make the money instead of letting phone repair people rob me and others. In short I can definitely repair your phone at a cheap and manageable rate. If you are interested just reply to this post or email me at kdeenterprise@aol.com. please include photos if possible so I can determine what is needed. (sorry if I'm not supposed to post my email like that, just trying to help out someone in need just like me.) And that goes for !@#$ near any phones well. I'm on number 3 already.

Here is a search list I found on my X-Box 360 that has everything you should need to fix this phone videos a couple options on ebay for around 30 dollars, even includes tools.



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