DS Lite Water damage

So, I've had my DS Lite for around 10-11 years now, and I gave it to a younger sibling to play and well, they left it out in the rain one night. It was in its bag and all the games were in there as well- however it was soaked. We put it in rice and took out the battery, but now it won't work- even when plugged in. We only have the car charger for this device however, so that is the only way we have been trying to charge it. When the device is initially plugged in there is a flash of orange light, and then the device goes completely black. It won't turn on and there is no green light.

We searched for the battery online and found a deal where we can get the wall charger as well as the battery and a screwdriver. However I wanted to make sure it was worth the time and money to just replace the battery.

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2 件のコメント:

if you can send me some pics of the inside i mit beabul to help and send them to zach8914@outlook.com


If it undertook significant water damage the problem could be at the motherboard level and changing the battery will do no help.

