Why is my iPhone not charging?
I plugged it in to charge one day and it just stopped charging. The battery ran down until it died completely.Someone took out the battery and charged it. Then, the phone worked normally until it died again.
Inspect the charging port to make sure that is not the problem. Does it sync with iTunes or show up in your computer? If work has been done on it before it's possible the ground connector on the battery was not replaced and that could also affect it's ability to charge.
Well,it sync with iTunes.Once power in the battery it works normal.I was told that it is the power IC that cause it not to charge.I would want to know the best and cheapest fix
My experience: the ground connector on the battery has to be fixed with the small screw, otherwise the iPhone won't charge. Thanks Garry !!!
how do you do that?
what is the ground connector----I have the battery here.
I have to plug in to phone in and out fast until it says charging
I get the iPhone is not charing problem solved from http://www.any-data-recovery.com/tips/ip...
Hoping it can help you too.
The phone will stop charging if the contacts become dirty or the cable port gets excessive lint in it. With an old clean soft bristle toothbrush, hold the iPhone so the cable port is facing down. Gently sweep the cable port out. blow out the port after with fast, hard breaths.
Plug back in and Wa-La !! if that doesn't work, it may be the cable but I recommend the cleaning anyway.
I got my iPhone 4 charging port working by gently cleaning out with a needle. I scraped away dust and hair, and even found art of a tissue. Be careful and gentle though, as you do not want to break it. Alternately you could get a tooth brush and gently brush out all of the debris from the port. Also check to see that the charger is not the issue.
How do I fix this problem my phone just stop chagering
I just synced with itunes over wifi and now it started to charge again :D
How do you sinc with iTunes?
in most cases your charging dock is filled with lint where the cord goes, all you have to do is gently clean it out, and charge it, if that does not work simply manually restore or manually reset it. if that does not help send your iPhone back to apple and have it replaced
I just cleaned it out and It worked thanks
How do you clean it?
hi, i had the same problem with my iphone 5, my pc which has a 3.0 usb port had malfunctioned, i reset the usb and plugged my iphone and it seems to be charging again. i tryed the wall charger and nothing but now works after sorting out usb on pc.
My iPhone 4s plugged in to the charger it shows charging icon but charging very slowly it's take one day
It sounds like the charging port is broken. Try to replace the charging port :)
I didn't think iPhones had battery's first of all and second of all don't let another person try to fix it unless they are a prefetional
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10 件のコメント
Does your phone show the charging icon when it is plugged into an AC power source?
Scott Head さんによる
It sync with iTunes.Once power in the battery it works normal.I was told that it is the power IC that cause it not to charge.
Moris さんによる
I have the same problem with an iPhone 4, the charging dock seemed to be defective, so I replaced it, but it didn't change anything; the phone dosent charge... I tried to change the battery, same thing here...
If someone has a solution, it would be very nice to share it with us !
Thomas さんによる
I was charging my phone and I feel off the couch and it stop working. So when I went to bed it was at 32% then when I woke up that morning it was at 50% I unplugged it and I jumped back down to 32% How can I fix it?
Izzy さんによる
I'm facing charging problem with my iPhone 4S.
When I plugin the charger, it doesn't start the charging right away. It takes hours of time to fill in.
And there are cases when it doesn't even start charging.
I cleaned the charging port with an old tooth brush and tried all the tips, which dint help me.
I believe there might be some problem with the updated iOS for iPhone 4S.
Can anyone help me to fix this ?
rakesh karnam さんによる