
You need to restart your computer? Randomly pops up. Why?

I recently bought my iBook from a friend, and hadn't experienced any problems until recently.

I had never been online with it, and it was fine- but my sister brought it to school and now it randomly darkens and a message pops up that says "You need to restate your computer. Hold down the power button for several seconds or press the restart button."

It only does this occasionally, sometimes it let's me log in, other times it will start up and flash the message without letting me log in.

It's frustrating because I will be working on a paper and such, I'm not even connected to the Internet during these times.

What do I do to fix this?

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Pauls advice may have some validity about a virus but it's doubtful. Sounds like you're getting what's called a "kernel panic". This is usually caused by a corruption in the system. Restart the machine from the original system installation disk by inserting the the disk and holding down the "C" key on startup. Go to the second screen pull down menu to Utilities > Disk Utility. Select your drive on the left and see if you can repair it. Select the drive on the left and keep running the repair program till it runs clear. Unless there are programs on it you do not want to lose, I personally would start fresh and reformat the drive and put a fresh install of the system on it. Viruses are more prevalent on illegal music download sites but thet're usually PC viruses. System updates usually take care of most viruses.


スコア 3


Thank you so much! Haven't had any problems after doing this.



Ok I know this is an apple but this may help. In a PC there are restore points to restore your computer back to a time when you didn't have the problem. You have a ibook and what you have described is a virus apple does not get many virus made for them. Look for an antivirus program or try a disk boot-able LEX to get into your system, back up your files and redo the OS.

Also don't give your ibook to your sister until she knows how to fix this. Ether she did this or let someone else do it.

You have to work your computer like a gateway. Guard it or it will give away everything you tell it.


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2 件のコメント:

Fine advice if you have a PC but it's not a Gateway.


I think he means like a metaphorical gateway...;-)




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