

146回答 すべてを表示

My lg g5 has water damage. Do I need a new screen if I fix it?

My phone has waterdamage and i want to repair it. Do i need a new screen if i clean it with 99% alchohol?

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Do i need to replace the battery or can i maybe still use it



1 件の回答



for now I suggest that you treat it just like any other water damaged iPhone. The very first thing you want to do is to not try to restart, sync or otherwise trying to use the phone. This may further damage your phone. The next thing to do is to clean it. Disassemble your phone using LG G5 these guides . You must remove all EMI shields. If you do not remove those, you might as well not do anything. After you removed those, clean the whole board, connectors and all with +90% isopropyl alcohol. Follow this guide , and even so it was written for an Apple iPhone 3G all the points are still pertinent to your phone. While you clean your board, check for any obvious damage, like burned or missing components etc. When it is properly cleaned, replace the battery. All these steps are to avoid delayed failure caused by corrosion. Best thing to do would be to clean it with an ultrasonic cleaner, but if you do not have access to one, this will at least help. Once all this is done, reassemble your phone and reevaluate. Until it is cleaned, everything will only be a guess. Yes, you can try and clean your display assembly with isopropyl alcohol. The issues with screens is that you usually get a streaky appearance due to contaminants that are getting trapped. At this time you really have nothing to lose. Try it, if it does not work you will have to replace it. If you do not try it you most likely will have to replace it anyway. Remember that even with all this, water damage has only a small chance to be fully repaired, but at least you can give it a try.


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

I'm going through the same thing. My lgg5 got slightly wet but I managed to take out the battery and left the phone to dry for about 2days. When I charge it, I can hear the phone turning on but the screen is black. I also tried touching the screen to see if I felt any kind of vibration coming from the phone but I don't. Could you tell me what's wrong with my phone that way I could order the parts I need? Your help is much appreciated


Matasaua Pefu it's the same as in the original answer. You have to clean it otherwise you do not know if this is a screen issue or a board issue. Always remember that when you do not clean the boards after water damage you may have corrosion build up and could shorten out your phone from impurities left behind by the water. Once it is done, you can re-evaluate your phone and/or replace the screen.




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