
Microsoft Corporationが設計したXbox One Sは、2016年8月に発売されました。Xbox One Sは、Xbox Oneを再設計した製品です。

20回答 すべてを表示

XBOX ONE S: Broken Disc Drive = Stuck In Update Loop

I recently bought an un-tested, spares/repairs XBOX ONE S from eBay. The console booted up fine, but I soon discovered the blu ray drive didn't work, I couldn't insert a disc into the console. The drive was totally unresponsive.

Stupidly after setting up a wi-fi connection I agreed to install the required software update. This sent the console into a loop where once it got to "applying update" the console would turn off, turn back on for about 10 seconds, then turn off again. This repeated for about an hour before I turned the console off at the wall.

I opened up the console and disconnected the faulty disc drive and powered the console back on. The console no longer turned itself off/on again, but did present with an E100 error after a few seconds of "applying update"

I've tried factory resetting, and using a USB to apply the update. Both failed and resulted in the same E100 error.

My next step was to buy a new disc drive, swap out the daughterboards, and use the new drive in the console. However I fear the previous owner might just have a stuck a new disc drive in the console without swapping the daughterboards, and that's what's giving me all this trouble with the update.

Is there any way I can tell if the motherboard in the current disc drive is paired to the motherboard in the console? And does the drive being totally unresponsive (it doesn't even make a sound) sound like it is indeed, not paired with the motherboard or is it just broken?

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スコア 0


Did you sort out ur problem.. Thanks


スコア 0


Did you figure it out I'm having same problem



I also think the bd drive was switched without changing daughter board


スコア 0


i have an e100 00000703 8090018 error but prior to this the xbox was working fine. after doing an APRIL 2020 update it gave me the error.

if someone knows how to fix or even how to confirm the daughter board is for that motherboard. i wasn't sure how to check.

As i mentioned before prior to the update it was working fine.




Mark Cannon さん、ありがとうございました!

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