
Released in 2010 and 2011, the G73 is a series of gaming laptops from Asus. Model numbers include G73JH, G73JW, and G73SW. All versions use an Intel Core processor and dedicated graphics card.

17回答 すべてを表示

How to fix battery/charging issue with laptop?

For whatever reason, I can no longer use my laptop on the go anymore. My power adapter needs to be plugged into my laptop for the laptop to power on. I replaced the battery but that does not seem to change anything

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Check the power icon on the taskbar. Does it show the battery charge state?

Download and run BatteryInfoView from https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/battery_in... and see what it says about your battery. This will give a more detailed view. Also, see what it says about your old battery.

These are smart batteries. If it doesn't detect either then you've got a fault on the motherboard in the communications path to the battery.

Otherwise it should show the charge state. If it's showing as discharged and not charging, or as charging but the charge state never improving it would seem to be a problem with the charging circuit on your motherboard.

A motherboard fault would be difficult to diagnose and fix, but it may be simply that your new battery is a dud. BatteryViewInfo will hopefully tell you that. If so, go back to where you got it and ask for a replacement.


スコア 2


I did just as you said and looked at the charge state and it seems to show that the batter is at a 28% charge and plugged in and charging.

Looking at BatteryInfoView, as you can see (https://imgur.com/a/Jp7x8) if shows that the battery is okay but there is some missing information that it cannot take into account like battery temperature and serial number but I'm assuming that that could be normal.



WOW, I feel stupid! For years I’ve been dealing with this too. Different batteries, chargers, tested against known good hardware, I honestly thought custom vBIOS and System BIOS were the issue, or just carelessness reassembling after repasting the heatsinks and cleaning.

All that i needed to do was “Lock” the battery in. The slide release didn’t keep it connected well enough.


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