
2015年9月25日に発売。モデルA1687/A1634。このデバイスの修理は前モデルと似ています。スクリュードライバーとこじ開けるツールが必要です。GSM もしくは CDMA。容量は16、64か128 GB。カラーはシルバー、ゴールド、スペースグレイ、ローズゴールド。

20回答 すべてを表示

Why does my glass screen protector keep cracking?

I don’t drop my phone and anytime I have dropped it the screen protector remained unchanged. I’ll put it in my pocket and take it out and there will be a new crack even though there was nothing other than headphones in my pocket. This started happening recently and it’s the winter in New York right now. Perhaps it is the temperature change but I was just using my phone and a little piece of glass came off. I’ve had this for about a year now should I get a new screen protector?

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Putting Plus size iPhones in a pocket can cause a lot of stress, especially when sitting or bending over. This could be why the screen protector is cracking. Generally speaking though, tempered glass screen protectors are pretty flexible but once they are fixed on the screen, they can succumb to stress.

It could be a combination of cold, contact with other objects (headphones) and flexing.


スコア 5

6 件のコメント:

My guess is how people handle their phones. Clients at my phone repair shop don't have this issue.


Like I said, “I’ve never cracked an iPhone screen ever.”


Spontaneous heat breakage


It is common for maximum screen protection long use of temper or gorela glass break automatically due to mobile heat and other causes first it will start to make very small crack which cannot see directly look your screen in different angle you may notice a white crack sometime later it will develop into larger. And also wile making a glass very minute crake will be there with will develop into larger. It is a property of glass that a small crack willl weaken the glass in large difference mainly for tempered glass


I had both gorilla and tempered; gorilla cracked while dropping 4 inches to the floor. The temper glass broke less then 24 hours while in my pocket. I will never use these again. By the time you spend money on them at this rate you can buy a new phone. Worse 40 dollars spent between the two.




I bought my screen protector from tmobile for my iPhone 11 and they have a deal where if it chips or cracks your can replace it for free. It’s been less than a year and I’ve gone through 10 screen protectors with 2-3 different brands. Before this I had an iPhone plus and another tempered glass screen protector for a year with no issue. Not sure why it keeps breaking because I even use a case that covers the screen .


スコア 1

4 件のコメント:

+1 .

I bought an iPhone 11 Pro last year November. Have replaced tempered glass 4 times till date.. and the 5th one showed a crack yesterday! :/ this is so annoying .

No idea why and how the screen protector keeps cracking :(

Anyone else facing same issue with this model?


ME TOO with my normal iphone 11 and im so confused and it kinda cracked besides the top of the phone so the camera is a little fricked up in the edge


The other day my friend left his iPad in the living room for two minutes to help me and my father with something he went back in and his iPad was shattered he had a screen protector but it didn’t crack or anything...but the weird thing is it didn’t drop of fall of anything still in the same spot he left it in...then today I was helping my dad fix the flooring in the house and I left my iPhone 7 in the same space my mate left his iPad and my phone screen protector was shattered thank god it wasn’t my actual screen...I am so confused about what just happened


My iPhone 11 screen protectors keep cracking! I’ve put 4 of them on my phone since I bought it in September. I took it to repair place under insurance lease than 2 weeks ago, they said they replaced the screen. I bought another protector and it already has 4 large deep cracks in it! I’m at a loss as to what to do. Any help out there?



I put my new proglass screen protectior on, tossed in my purse. Got to work, took it out and saw a chip along the edge. By the end of the day it cracked clear across the screen. Day 1. I’ve never broken an iPhone screen in my lifetime of iPhones but Day 1, ProGlass failed.


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

Same here, i put on my glass screen protector and in randomly chips but the actual screen is good


Similar - didn't leave the store without the screen protector, case, etc. Slid off couch and dropped 16" to carpet and cracked the corner. Went back to store and they said I needed to deal with screen protector company and all these steps to follow. It was such a hassle and i didn't follow through and now looking at $259.00 to fix before giving the phone back with contract expiring. I shouldn't have dealt with the hassle of dealing with the screen protector. These iPhone 11 have a horrible design that the two protection products don't cover the vulnerable rounded corners.



I am having the same problem. I had my old phone for 2 years with no glas protector and the screen looks like new; however, I purchased a tempered glass screen protector for my new phone, and only after a few months it's all cracked. I use the new phone the same way as the old one. Obviously the screen glass is much more tougher than the tempered glass protector.


スコア 0

Lesson learnt. No need to purchase tempered glass protector


スコア 0


Yes I change my screen on the 14th of September and here we are again! Another crack.



I bought an iPhone 11 Pro last year November. Have replaced tempered glass 4 times till date.. and the 5th one showed a crack yesterday! :/ this is so annoying .

No idea why and how the screen protector keeps cracking :(

Anyone else facing same issue with this model?


スコア 0


Yes been through numerous tempered glass screen protectors and all have gotten a Knick in them which turns into a crack along the whole screen/protector and have not dropped my phone I am very careful how I handle and put down my phone on.

So it happens but I guess is better than cracking the actual phone screen and having to replace that the protector case I have is ZAGG $25 at Best Buy and $7.99 for them to install (once time rest of time if you come in it is free for them to install as well as the new protector.) so great deal and always a a Best Buy around.



I have zagg and onw- I thankful for their warranty program but this is stupid.

I have been through 6 since last november. I could replace once a month. I just received my last one and day 1 it chipped and scratched.


スコア 0


I have Zagg too. I swear the lifetime replacement is a scam since it's 9.99 shipping everytime I order a new screen protector that I didn't do anything to damage my screen. So frustrating! My very first screen out of the Verizon store spider cracked from the edge the 2nd day I owned it. And every screen since then has cracked the same way. Makes no sense.



Been through around 5-7 ZAGG screen protectors the past few months. It’s pretty annoying since each protector is 11.99 for shipping, just for it to chip on its own at some random point. Granted it’s an oversized display, iPhone 13pro max. But to simply take it out of your pocket, notice a small chip along the sides of the screen protector, have to pay for replacement, then wait a few days for it to arrive.. it’s not very practical. To the point where I wouldn’t use a protector if iPhones came stock with privacy screens. If anyone has had a similar experience, switched to a different brand that has a privacy screen and doesn’t have this issue please let me know :)


スコア 0

It’s definitely not the large screen size that’s the problem. I have a Google Pixel 5 which is only 6”. Like @auzifox, I’ve gone through about 5 or so ZAGG protectors over the last few months. The price for shipping is not worth the frequency with which I’m having to replace it.

If anyone has any alternatives that hold up better, I’d love to know!


スコア 0


Id love a answer too. Ive never had one crack, now my new phone is always cracking.




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