

206回答 すべてを表示

Why won’t my 2ds turn on? Are there any ways I can fix my problem?

Hello. I have had my 2ds for under a year and I have encountered something nasty that I’d like to know how to fix. My system will turn on but the screens will be black, there will be no volume, and the little orange light on the side isn’t on. Also the (blue) power light is on throughout this whole time. I have tried turning on and off my system multiple times but it will not work. Please tell me how I can fix this, my last option is getting it repaired but I’d like to know how (or if) I can do it myself. Thank you in advance whoever answers this question! (Side note: My first 2ds had a similar problem to this except that one wouldn’t turn on without being plugged into the charger and eventually it just gave out. Also, I don’t know if it really effects anything but I’ve encountered both of these problems while on the 2ds’s YouTube application.)

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2 件のコメント

I have a n2ds and it will charge but won't turn on is the a way I can fix it my self or do I have to buy one?


I meant thier



1 件の回答


Hi @chickenramen ,

Nintendo systems have a 12 month manufacturer's warranty.

First verify that your system is still within the warranty period (check the date on the purchase receipt).

If the warranty is still valid, consult the manufacturer's warranty statement (usually found in the User Guide) that came with the system, as to what you have to do to make a claim for a manufacturer's warranty repair, replacement or refund.

if you can't find the warranty statement, search online for Nintendo 2DS warranty .

If you open the device to find the possible cause of your problem you will void the warranty.


スコア 3


Thank you so much, @jayeff!




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