
Apple Time Capsuleワイヤレスネットワークデバイスの修理ガイド

151回答 すべてを表示

What adhesive do I use on the rubber cover?

I followed all of the steps to replace the hard drive and everything worked out great. However the rubber cover on the bottom does not want to stick back all of that well. Following the guide I was able to peel back the the cover to just where the screws are located and never removed the entire cover.

I was wondering what others had used, double stick tape does not seem sticky enough to me. I have tried using a hair dryer on a low to medium setting and it did fairly well.

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I'd say rubber cement would probably be a good choice, as it is only semi-permanent but still holds well. Remove the old adhesive to make the surfaces as smooth as you can and then paint a thin coating of rubber cement on the inner side of the cover as well as the face of the case that it mates to. Let the rubber cement dry for a while, then press the pieces together. Just make sure you get it aligned the first time, it produces a surprisingly strong bond.


スコア 5

4 件のコメント:

+ works for me


+ and me as well


Thanks I will try that. I wonder if that is what Apple used in the first place as it was really stuck on when i tried to remove it.


I've always wondered what the Apple OEM adhesive is as well. It seems like they use the same semi-permanent adhesive somewhere on nearly every device that they manufacture.



You should try this


or this


in my experience rubber cement never works on plastic.


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2 件のコメント:

The time capsule has a rubber bottom cover that mates up to a steel plate, so rubber cement should be OK for this application. I'd be leery to use super glue for this because it produces such a permanent bond that you'd be screwed if you had to take the device apart again in the future.


the only thing I use super glue for is to repair skin lacerations. It's a PITA if you ever have to replace anything again. Just my 2 cents



Don't glue it back on. It's part of the problem.

Reassemble the Time Capsule with holes in the rubber and metal base for ventilation. Drill holes through them before reassembly. Double sided tape works good enough to hold the rubber on and allows easy removal if it needs to be opened again for HDD access.


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