
PlayStation 3 (PS3)はソニーコンピューターエンターテイメントによって製造された3世代目の家庭用据え置き機で、PlayStation 2の次世代機となります。これらは2006年11月11日に発売されました。

20回答 すべてを表示

Grinding noise when disk is inserted

My PS3 started making a grinding noise when a disk is inserted. It reads games just fine, and that's all I use the drive for.

I have replaced the spinning disk which stopped the noise, but it started up again.

I keep all my systems horizontal.

I forgot to say that it doesn't matter if I am playing a game or it's at the system menu, however it seems to happen more at the system menu and a disk is just sitting there.

Any other ideas?

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I had a crazy problem with this. I still have an old PS3 that plays PS1 & PS2 discs. whenever I played a PS2 I had a loud & crazy rattling noise. I googled it & read that the ps2 "blue" discs spin really fast, causing this noise. I came across this post & thought I would turn it vertically, then realized the 2nd controller we weren't using was on t floor vibrating consistently, causing the rattling noise. :/



1 件の回答


@ngw1031982 could be multiple issue from things like the gears, the disk drive motor as well as the tracking motor/drive. Use this guide PlayStation 3 Blu-ray ディスク ドライブ の交換 to get to the drive. Then you would have to disassemble it and see if you can locate the error. Ultimately it sounds like your drive is failing and may need to be replaced. Try to play your PS3 vertical and see if that changes the grinding noise.


スコア 4

8 件のコメント:

How should I verify if it's either the drive motor and/or tracking motor/drive?

Also, where is the drives model located? I can't seem to find it.


Since it is grinding check the gears for wear as well as the spindle bearings etc. A good visual inspection should reveal more.


At this point, I don't see anything wrong. All the gears have all there teeth, and they look in perfect condition.

As far as I can tell, everything is properly lubricated as well.

At this point, I would say it's most likely the drive motor. I guess I'm in the market for a new drive. Worst case a new PS3, which I will look for a slim as I hate the super slim.


Should i just bye a new console

I have the exact same problem i play games it starts to make weird grinding noises then freezes ive ran out of options


@lewiswindsor why? Just replace the drive and switch the board and you are ready to go again :-)





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