Grinding noise when disk is inserted
My PS3 started making a grinding noise when a disk is inserted. It reads games just fine, and that's all I use the drive for.
I have replaced the spinning disk which stopped the noise, but it started up again.
I keep all my systems horizontal.
I forgot to say that it doesn't matter if I am playing a game or it's at the system menu, however it seems to happen more at the system menu and a disk is just sitting there.
Any other ideas?
I had a crazy problem with this. I still have an old PS3 that plays PS1 & PS2 discs. whenever I played a PS2 I had a loud & crazy rattling noise. I googled it & read that the ps2 "blue" discs spin really fast, causing this noise. I came across this post & thought I would turn it vertically, then realized the 2nd controller we weren't using was on t floor vibrating consistently, causing the rattling noise. :/
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