
Repair guides and support for wireless and wired Apple keyboards.

20回答 すべてを表示

Some keys stopped working on Apple Wired Keyboard

Hey guys!

Can anyone help?

I have an Apple Wired USB Keyboard since 2013 and yesterday some keys stopped to work.

I didnt pay much attention, thought it was a momentary USB glitch, replugged it, and it seemed to help.

But today the trouble returned.

Keys "8", "I", "K", and "," are not working. As you can notice, they're all in a straight line. So it feels like some contact line is dead/malfunctioning.

No, I didnt spill any liquid. Its perfectly dry.

Googled it. Many users report the same problem here and there, but not the real remedy.

Apple's answers are as useless as they should be, deemed to housewives, a la "Check if your house has electricity". :)

If you can give a tech-savvy advice, please do.

PS: If you're going to say "Go buy a new one" - thank you in advance. :)

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スコア 19
12 件のコメント

I'm having the same problem. I know it's not hardware because I can pair with another device and it works fine. This means is software/settings for the device. I can't figure out what settings to change though. Still searching for an answer.


sam issue> som kys no w0rking lol. Mayor's answer is 4 a wireless. ..no help.


Same issue here too, except it's a different like of keys for me: x, s, w, and 2.


Same issue with mine...


ditto but mine are EDC and then if i use YHN it picks up my missing keys like this EYDHCN?????






I did a teardown (literally) on the wireless one as you can see here:

Apple Wireless Keyboard (A1255) Teardown

Due to the way it's constructed and glued together I saw no way to repair it. So I popped the keys for replacements . They go out and I have never found a way to fix them. P>S> I bought five new ones just this week : https://www.ebay.com/itm/Apple-A1243-MB1...


スコア 4

15 件のコメント:

Mmmmm.... I rinsed it in ethanol and let to dry for 3 days under the sun.

Now it's *completely* dead.

Don't know who have came up with the wild idea of washing a keyboard in any liquid :)

Similarly, I have no idea what could have short-circuited or rusted inside.



This happened to me and I found a solution to MY problem (some keys not working)

Click Apple logo (top left), system preferences, Accessibility, mouse and trackpad and make sure ‘enable mouse keys’ IS NOT selected. Works perfect now ☺️


Thank you SOOO much, vatae05! This just solved my problem. Certain keys (J,k,l,m, .) were not working, but only in my log-in, not when other family members logged in. It also started right when I upgraded OS to Catalina. This fixed it.


Thank you so much Vatae05!!!! I accidentally pressed option key for 5 times then the mouse key was enabled! after the "enable mouse keys" unselected, everything works fine!!!! yeah!


Thank you thank you vatae05. It worked for me. but still I don't understand what that option means.




I have a similar issue with the same keys on an Apple aluminum keyboard, with the numeral pad on the right side. It is wired.

But my issue also includes four keys on the opposite side of the keyboard, 2, w, s, and x. When I type a letter on either side, the letter in the same row on the other side types with it, as in:





I have been unable to get it to stop typing two letters when I type one of those keys. But all the other keys on the keyboard work fine.

I have tried a NVRAM reset, and SMC reset, used a USB extension cord, and yes, used 99% electronics alcohol to see if it will do something to clean something and solve the problem — taking the key top off and putting a small amount of the alcohol on the board there and swishing it around. And then shaking it out gentle and turning it upside down, letting that dry for a week or more.

Oddly, it will work for maybe a minute when I first plug in, whether I have cleaned it with the alcohol first or not, as long as it has been unplugged long enough. But after that minute, or once for a few minutes, back to double letters. So, it will work right, it just won’t continue to work right. It so maddening, seeing that it will actually work right for a short time.

I got a second of the same keyboards off eBay. It worked great for about two months. Then out of nowhere, the 2, w, s, and x keys — same ones as four of those on the first keyboard — just stopped working at all, they will not type no matter what I do, all the same things I tried with the other keyboard.

And yes, I looked all into the breakdown of the keyboard — that cannot be done and put back together other than I guess at the factory if even there.

So, sorry, I have no ideas to offer — just another plea for ideas. These things cost WAY too much to just stop working like this, and no solution other than buy a new one! Gee, I have some other keyboards around that are 20+ years old and still work fine, but not the hyper-expensive Apple keyboard.


スコア 4

2 件のコメント:

Well, John Wallace, you don’t have the wired aluminum keyboard, as as I do. No batteries in the wired one, so I can’t try that one. :( And I have already waited three months, after doing the things I listed in my post.

I note, as for batteries, as in the power, I have been using it on a USB 3 port, which has notably more power than USB 2.

I have found entirely too many people online with this same issue — there must be something wrong with the construction/engineering of the aluminum keyboard — but Apple will never admit it, they’ll just sell you another one.

They are beautiful keyboards, nice to work on — just expensive “cheap junk” if they are not made well.


I have the same issue, although with other keys. I've tried all that I found on the internet: reset PRAM, reinstalled the mac os x, made a downgrade to lion, tried another keyboard, changed the batteries, even reseted the imac to factory settings, but nothing worked for more than some minutes. I know it's not a problem with the physical keyborad because i've tested the keyboard on another imac. Don't know what to do anymore.



Mac’s reputation is way better than it should be. This kind of crap happens all the time with all kinds of Macs, and Apple has NEVER taken responsibility for it, in fact charges you high prices to make repairs — or pushes you to buy a new one it knows also will break down. This Mac crap goes all the way back to PPC Macs.

They know these things are not good, they have known it for years, they won’t admit it, and they keep selling them and at prices way over $100. That is my definition of a criminal. And that’s the reputation Apple should have, not a good reputation.


スコア 4

I had the same issue with my Apple wireless keyboard. I had two keys not working. Tried all sorts but nothing worked, so I put it back in its box. Three months later I took it out, put new batteries in and it’s worked perfectly ever since. I’m writing this message on it now. Worth a try when all else fails!


スコア 1

3 件のコメント:

I just fixed a wireless keyboard with many non functioning keys. It had had a problem with leaking batteries, which I had cleaned up as best I could.

When the keys misbehaved, I opened up the little plastic hatch in the back to see if anything was obviously wrong. It all looked fine, so I pulled (very delicately!) the ribbon cable out of the place it connects to. I cleaned the cable, and squeezed a bit of rubbing alcohol into the connector. Let it sit for a bit, then blew it out with compressed air. Voila! most of the keys now worked. Repeated the process and now all of the keys work.

I can imagine that connection being the source of many key problems, even without the battery acid.


I have a similar problem with my wireless keyboard A1314, keys 1-8 suddenly stopped working. I figured out a solution to this issue, I've taken out the grey cover at the bottom-center, try to press the keyboard flex that is connected to the pvc, I think it might have loosen in some way over time. After trying this, my keyboard fortunately was back to its working condition. Hope this works for you too.


I have this same problem with the keyboard on my Mac book, I tried what was suggested disabling the mouse keys. Nothing has worked. Has anyone solved this problem? My I, w, and a bunch of other keys won’t work. Once they started working for afew minutes then suddenly stopped again.



Someone should bring a class action lawsuit against Apple over this. This is not unique for Apple, Apple has had issues of this sort with various of its machine forever, since way back, even the PPC Macs, and it knows it but always keeps it secret, continues to sell the items, and makes you buy a new one or pay a ton to Apple for repairs for the old one. It never does a recall unless there is an actual danger, such as the item will explode in flames.

And just from this thread and so many others with so many people having the same issue, it is obviously a faulty design and Apple will not take responsibility for it , it won’t even cut the price of the keyboard to something sane! And it keeps selling them!


スコア 1

My keyboard stopped letting me use the v, b. n. . . all of a sudden. I just bought a Macally keyboard, it’s all plastic and it feels like a toy, but it works and it was only 20 bucks. Didn’t have time to mess with this, but eventually I will try to get it working.


スコア 1

The keys QAZ and shift keys stopped working my wired keyboard, The apple chat line was a complete waste of time, Apple should be ashamed of themselves for not fixing the problem. It’s obviously not a “User” caused problem but an in built fault.. A new key board in Aust. is $173. for about two years use..

Gawler bob


スコア 1

Yes, Bob, you are exactly right — Apple knows this and has known it for along time and does nothing about it, keeps selling what it knows will break down like this. Maybe they can somehow skirt laws when conducting business like this, but to my mind, it is the definition of a criminal to continue to sell you faulty, expensive devices they know will fail.


スコア 1

So, has anybody started a C A Lawsuit, or is this just something everyone likes to talk about?

Update (04/08/2020)

I’ve got over a dozen wired aluminum Apple keyboards that don’t work.

Update (04/10/2020)

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. Didn’t work on any of these. Let’s face it, there is no cure except give in to Apple and give them more money!


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not buying apple keyboards anymore, logitech software proves to be a pain, so no logitech either... considering a cheap brand or a microsoft keyboard



some keys for my wired apple keyboard doesnt work yesterday, Caps a s and d. I have borrowed an wired apple keyboard from office, it worked but today the letter s key is not working. I just can’t believe what just happen in 2 days. Can anyone help with this. Thanks


スコア 1

5 件のコメント:

The exact same keys, Caps a s and d, stoped working for me yesterday on my wired kewboard A1243, any ideas on a solution?


Wow - same here! Caps, a,s,d f, and g don't work. I find it interesting that we're having issues with the same letters within the same time frame. My OS was recently auto-updated. Is it an OS thing as I saw somewhere else? (Btw, I'm typing this on the keyboard laptop, not the aluminum one that's giving me problems.)


Yez, ectuelly I heve the zeme izzue. The entire line ztertink with cepz lock entink with jee :T I cent even write zmilez now...

Caps Lock, a, s, d, f, g stopped working at once


My a1243 stop working (few keys). I switch keybords with my other old mac, same keyboard….yesterday 4 keys nots working (1 week appart)….then , I can't beleive it…the smart keybord for my ipad pro is dead…3 in a week….


Same here, with caps/A/S (maybe D too?) suddenly not working. Doesn't look like anyone here ever found a solution though. :-(



Use a USB extension between your keyboard and your mac. Dogeatdog8500@gmail.com


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

Worth trying, I saw that recommended too. Didn't work for me.


Tried 12 different keyboards on extension and made no difference.



Solved from my end (Apple Wireless Keyboard A1314)

Block Image

I have a similar problem with my wireless keyboard A1314, keys 1-8 suddenly stopped working. I figured out a solution to this issue, I've taken out the grey cover at the bottom-center, try to press the keyboard flex that is connected to the pvc, I think it might have loosen in some way over time. After trying this, my keyboard fortunately was back to its working condition. Hope this works for you too.


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

I am experiencing the same problem as yours but i my case the keys 1-9 and CONTROL is not working. Can you explain me in more details what you have done to fix your keyboard? What you mean by gray cover at the bottom-center.


skydiel, that cover he is talking of is on the wireless model only.



I use a wireless keyboard with my Macbook pro. After a little more than one year of use several keys started malfunctioning (not in some line). I had to press them really hard to still let them work. What i did as a solution is:

  • i turned the keyboard off with the little switch on the back
  • Held it upside down (keys facing the floor)
  • Rubbed over the keys
  • dropped it a few times on the keys from a hight of approximately 8 centimetres (3 inch?)
  • noticed that some sand, dust and little hairs ended up on the table
  • turned keyboard on again
  • After that keyboard works fine again
  • realised that my cats regularly walk over the table (and keyboard), and they do bring sand in the house ;-)


スコア 1


Did the trick if keys are working, but not perfectly (like you need hard press or press in specific point of key). Thanks, I was looking for some connection issues but it was just some dirt :)



while your response was well written and informative. It is not at a a solution to this particular problem affecting wired keyboards.


スコア 1

If anyone finds a solution for a WIRED mac keyboard please tell me i have 3 keyboards in perfect consitions and they all have this issue help…


スコア 0


If multiple keyboard have this behavior, check that "Enable Mouse Keys" is not set in Settings > Accessiblity > Mouse & Trackpad. Alternativly, try pressing "Options" 5 times.



ot a aswer, but add me to the issue list. As you ca see,my n and v keys dont work on my wired alUminUm keyboard. My other idetical keyboard just lost the spacebar ad ad adds a capital “U” whe pressig the shift key o typig the letterU. Typig with the 2 keyboards right ow. Would be hilarious if these thigs did’t cost $100 ad last oly 3-4 years!


スコア 0

I have A1255 keyboard (wireless) and 80% of the keys (mostly letters) stopped working. I opened the gray back compartment and it turned out that the main ribbon holding thingy was in the wrong position (up). I slightly tucked the ribbon and put the holder in the down position.

I had previously disassembled the keyboard and must have missed some step putting it back. Or my cat dropped the keyboard from the table and dislodged the ribbon. Or likely both. Now it works.

Thanks @craiglapp2000 for pointing into the right direction with your comment.


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スコア 0

pressing the Q gives me qi, pressing the i gives me a iq. pressing the A or a gives ask. Pressing the K or K gives me ksa


My right handed shift doesn’t work, the caps lock no longer lights up, the number keypad on the right doesn’t work, the left arrow works but not the other 3. tab doesn’t work. Bought it off ebay, which should be my first clue, however it’s replacing my original aluminum wired keyboard which lost number pad function.

I’ve had the “new to me” ebay one for less than 2 hours. This plastic toy feeling walmart knock off one works but i hate it and it’s too loud.

If these issues can’t be fixed, has anyone found an alternate keyboard with build in number keypad, that is quiet typing like the Apple?


スコア 0

Same issue as above… Have a wired aluminum keyboard from 2012 for my iMac… Letters 'B, G, T’ have all stopped working. I’ve taken off every single key and cleaned thoroughly with compressed air, no fix. Anyone have a solution yet?


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I think the only solution will be a class action suit against Apple. Apple still sells these and they know this happens, and they have done nothing about it, they have not even acknowledged it, they just keep selling it at truly gouging prices with this major issue and keeping this issue secret.

Over the years, Apple has had a lot of equipment failures it has not acknowledged, and even charged users to fix without letting them know it would only break again. Apple is never going to stop this crap until it suffers a big financial hit for it, and a class action could be that.


スコア 0

Thank you for helpful inputs! I have had luck too. I replaced the keyboard with a non apple key board and these (I tried two different, both wireless and with usb) works fine! So relieved.


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I spilled some coffee on my wired Apple keyboard and several keys around the middle no longer work. I rinsed it with distilled water and sat it upside down over a dehumidifier for a few hours to dry out, but that hasn’t helped yet. Hoping that leaving it next to a radiator overnight will do the trick, otherwise I guess I need a new keyboard.


スコア 0

Niall Flinn, that’s pretty much what happened to me, and I did similar to you, I got on it super fast, had that turned over faster that lightening. And under the key tops, what is in there is sealed, so liqud should not get into the circuit board under that area. The problem was the same issue as everyone else here. What is so odd is that if I have the keyboard unplugged and then plug it in, the keys will work fine, for a minute, maybe 5 minutes, but in short time, they stop working. So, the connections are still working, any parts in there are still working, they just won’t keep working.

But what’s more irritating is that I got another of the same keyboard. It was fine for about two months, then the same keys stopped working with the same problem. There was no spill this time. And so many others in this thread are saying the same. This issue is one of more bad Apple engineering, but they take no responsibility for it, they never take responsibility for their failures, and there have been many, unless they are forced too because of a real danger, such as a bad battery setting the machine on fire. They charge a fortune for these keyboards, and don’t stand by their engineering.


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I have the same problem. On the Apple Wired Keyboard (A1243), a number of keys periodically do not work. For me it is F3 3 E D C. But after pressing these keys at the same time, they work again.


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Same issue with my A1243 keyboard,

I found a trick that works for me every time some keys stop working,

I unplug then plug the USB cable few times until the keys start working again


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