
Portable wireless speakers from Logitech released in 2013.

70回答 すべてを表示

HD has a fuzzy sound if turned up

I am having the same issue? My UE BOOM 2 is only around 6 months old? I have done a reset and still keeps cutting out HD has a fuzzy sound if turned up like the speaker has blown?

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Hi @kate12

Try using the aux input to see if it only a BT problem or whether it is a BT and a possible speaker hardware problem.

In any event even if it is only faulty when using BT as you have tried a reset which didn't work and given that you've only had it for 6 months I suggest that you consult the manufacturer's warranty information that came with the documentation for the speaker (or find it online) as to what you have to do to make a claim for a manufacturer's warranty repair, replacement or refund.


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