
より早い処理スピードを可能にしたiPhone 3Gのアップグレード版です。このデバイスの修理は3Gと似ており、標準のドライバーと開口ツールが必要です。モデル番号 A1303 / 16 もしくは 32 GBの容量 / ブラックもしくはプラスチックの背面ケース

1502回答 すべてを表示

phone 3gs Restarting and battery stuck on 100%


so i want to fix my old iphone 3gs that keep restart every few mins i have opened the phone and near the battery connectors there are missing resistors or some components (look the pic)

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so can you help me by showing me how can i make i jumper


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8 件のコメント

@refectio pretty sure you're the resident grand master


@theimedic But now you have ZXW so you have everything you need to give an awesome answer!


@refectio got me on that one teacher! I'll check the schematics and find the answer


Uh, what's ZXW?


It's pretty awesome! @pccheese it's a shame dongle that has a crap ton of schematics!




1 件の回答


No @refectio found it here

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I realize this person is never coming back, I'm just doing the research so I can get better at this zxw thing

Ok, great. Found it on zxw, but it's not showing me any info

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Which I've found sometimes happens with zxw. They just miss some components. Literally right next to eachother, one shows info, the next doesn't. That or I just haven't figured that part out yet


スコア 3

2 件のコメント:

The 3GS board is not fully fleshed out like the more recent boards. Probably because no one fixes these any more. So as you noticed, the board view doesn't show anything. On the schematic (Blackfish), there is a board view and it shows it as C241_AP but there is no C241_AP in the schematic. There are, however, 2 different C241 one of which is an 0603 so definitely not the right one. The other one is an 0201 and associated with the vibrator.

So at that point I stopped investing time on this...


Yeah, sorry. I caught your meaning early on @refectio I've just been trying to use and test my zxw as much as I can




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