
初代モデルのiPhoneです。モデル番号はA1203で容量は4, 8,もしくは16 GBから選べます。アルミニウム製の背面ケースです。開口にはかなりのこじ開けるための力が必要です。そして半田付けも若干必要です。

224回答 すべてを表示

Can I use this device on Panther 10.3?

I ordered one of these that works and is just used. But I have my itunes library on my mac. I have a PC with Vista, but I use my mac for my ipod. So I am wondering if this device would work on Panther 10.3? I know the version on itunes is older. I just don't want to go through the hassle of having two libraries if possible.

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I looked in the tech specs section for the original iPhone on Apple's site (http://support.apple.com/kb/SP2) and found that it needs Mac OS X v10.4.10 or later and iTunes 7.5 or later to work, so it doesn't look like it'll work with your system. Perhaps you can upgrade your Panther Mac. Sorry about that but I hope this was useful.


スコア 1


I kind of figured. But I know I can use it on Vista. I am running on ibook so I know I can't upgrade it too high or it causes problems.




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