
より早い処理スピードを可能にしたiPhone 3Gのアップグレード版です。このデバイスの修理は3Gと似ており、標準のドライバーと開口ツールが必要です。モデル番号 A1303 / 16 もしくは 32 GBの容量 / ブラックもしくはプラスチックの背面ケース

1502回答 すべてを表示

Home button unresponsive, no audio output, and unable to charge?


I have suddenly found that the home button on my iPhone 3GS is completely unresponsive--I am using Assistive Touch as a replacement. Additionally, audio only plays through headphones (except for ringtones, text-tones, etc.; those do not play at all). Also, my phone has no reaction to being plugged into a charger that has worked for the past several months without fail. It also does not connect to my laptop on iTunes anymore.

I do not see any red indication of water damage, please help of you can. Thank you.

この質問に回答する 同じ問題があります


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1 件の回答

The home button, Speaker, and headphone jack are all connected to that same dock connector inside the device. There could be a possibility that the dock flex may have been damaged, or could be that the flex became disconnected from the main board. I would try to look up the guide on the dissambly of your device and check all your connections or even just replacing the full dock connector and see if this fixes your issue. Good luck .


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