
Repair and disassembly information for amplifiers in home audio systems.

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Replacement volume potentiometer Denon Integrated Amplifier PMA 1055R

I'm not sure I believe the local repair shop (I'm in rural Tasmania) who've told me a replacement volume potentiometer for my Denon PMA 1055R is no longer available. Importers of audio gear into Australia change brands on a frequent basis and are often unwilling to stock spare parts for models they didn't import themselves. Emails to Denon in Japan asking about this have not been answered. What is my next move?

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4 件のコメント

Aye, how's it goin' over there in Australia, mate? Ain't no icicles hanging from roofs there.

You should call Denon and ask them about. If they don't have it, it is likely just a generic part that can be replaced with off-the-shelf parts. Good luck.


I've commenced the hunt. Thanks to an informed guide I now know what I'm looking for. I'm fingding the software running this place confusing though.

Asked if I found the response helpful would I therefore give the answerer 30 points I can't figure out how to do that.

On another subject I'm always amazed there's so much hidden skill and knowledge out there on the web when so many of today's younger tech's are pig ignorant and only able to replace entire boards, and all their components, rather than isolate individual defective parts. So many skills are being lost. Ask yourself how many techs today would be brave enough to take on complex vintage equipment such as a Nacamichi 'Dragon'. Not that the thing didn't give repairers nightmares in it's day.

When living in the UK though I found it much easier to find techs able and willing to fix older gear. Don't know why that is , maybe it's their education system?



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With miniaturization and other improvement in electronics it is more difficult to find the problem as a lot of the circuitry is now contained in a few IC packages and could also be software controlled rather than separate components performing the functions. It is simpler, quicker and cheaper to replace the board.

Also a lot of repair techs are no longer in business because people do not wish to pay for their skills and/or knowledge. They would rather buy a new shiny 'toy' with more 'whiz bang features' than get their old one fixed.


I gather the people who set this site up are struggling to do something about the disgusting percentage of electronics that's dumped into landfill only to have toxic chemicals leached back into the soil and groundwater.

As to paying techs what they're worth it depends on how each of us values them and how skilled they are. Before he retired to his cabin in the forest my tech was worth his weight in gold. Not only could he repair a wide range of vintage and modern gear he was totally honest. If the expense of repair wasn't worth it he'd say. He often suggested modifications, such as better caps in power supplies etc that had the gear returning sounding way better than the designers themselves intended. How I miss his skills and honesty. And bless him, he was willing, unlike so many others, including reviewers. to discuss the reliability and parts availability of brands and models I was contemplating buying . Saved me a fortune and much heartbreak over the years .



1 件の回答



Here is a link to the service manual for your amp. Go to p.14 where in the parts list it specifies that the Volume potentiometer VR301 , part # 211-0902-009 is a 30k Ohm potentiometer.(see right hand side just above Capacitors Group Heading).

Unfortunately, searching online for this part using the Denon part number produces no results.

Also the manual doesn't specify the Volume potentiometer's power rating. You may be able to work this out by removing it from the unit and then simply 'sizing' it against replacement ones which have the same type of connections, (or close enough as you most probably will have to un-solder the old and solder in the new) the correct length shaft and the body size to suit. (Look online at Jaycar, Altronics, Element 14).

Alternatively just get the highest power rated one that will physically fit in, as long as it is 30k Ohms. 5W or 10W should be more than adequate if they fit. It will possibly be only a 1W as it is most probably only adjusting the gain of the audio power transistors and is not in the direct output feed path.

Hopefully this is of some help.


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