
This computer was released by Asus in 2014.

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How would I clean my keyboard?

My keyboard is very dirty. How would I clean it?

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Before you start cleaning your laptop, make sure you shut off your device completely.

Cleaning keyboard with rubbing alcohol:

  1. Start off by soaking some rubbing alcohol on a paper towel or a cotton swab.
  2. Gently rub the top of your keyboards. (Try not to spill any of the rubbing alcohol on your device because it could damage it)
  3. Continue the process until you are satisfied with the results.

Cleaning keyboard with a portable vacuum cleaner:

  1. With your hand held vacuum cleaner, gently vacuum around your keyboard. (The vacuum will suck up all the crud in the keyboard)
  2. Continue doing this until you have picked up all the dust/crud from keyboard.

Aside from cleaning your keyboard regularly, make sure to always wash your hands before you use your laptop. This will help keep it clean.


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