
モデル番号A1419 / Late 2013 / 3.2 & 3.4 GHz Core i5もしくは3.5 GHz Core i7 Processor, ID iMac14,2

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Where is the Logic Board Test Point?

I'm trying to get to the bottom of why, on my diagnostic LEDs, #2 lights up briefly then shuts off when I try to power on my Mac. For older models, I've read this warrants a need to replace the power supply, but sometimes it's not that cut-and-dry, and I'd rather not blow $65-80+ on barking up the wrong tree, because if it's a bad logic board, I'm saying goodbye to Macs forever.

So I'd like to test the logic board...but where? And what pins are what? I've only found test points of other models, that show 14 pins. I see a power input port from the PSU that has 12 pins, but that's it. Is that the test point? Please, someone help! Thanks in advance.

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Not 100% conclusive but I used my DMM to test the powersupply header pins on the motherboard side and found I had 12.0vdc. I also tested the power button, it should go to zero ohms when pressed. There is a small two pin connector at the top left of the power supply board. I have no lights on my Main board so my assumption is I've got a bad MB.


@safford - What did you end up doing to resolve the iMAC issue you describe?



1 件の回答


This one gave me a giggle. If it were only so easy ;-) I'd be out of work.

You have to trust your own eyes.

If that diagnostic light tells you you have a power supply issue, you can replace it, or not believe your lying eyes. The next step is the logic board and you don't want to go there.

You can pull the supply and look it over for blown capacitors or other burned spots and attempt repair. It's all according to your experience with repair and what your time is worth to you.

iMac Intel 27インチ EMC 2639 電源装置の交換

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