
同名の社会的企業によって作られたフェアフォンの第2世代。2015年12月発売。モデル番号は FP2-XCVR

20回答 すべてを表示

Via USB to Ethernet using an. Adapter

I want to access the Internet via an USB to Ethernet Adapter, for example my Adapter which uses the Davicom DM9621A controller. It works at my tablet out of the box. Not with the Fairphone2. Any solutions? Does some other Adapter work?

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スコア 2

8 件のコメント:


Check if you have the following setting in your phone. If so enable it. It may not be there. I have 3 different tablets - don't ask - only one has this setting and it is the only one that works with a USB to Ethernet adapter.

Go to Settings > Wireless and Networks > more, tap to enter and see if Ethernet is an option. If so tap to enter and tap on Use Ethernet.


Hi jayeff,

that is the way how I got the adapter working with my tablet. Unfortunately the Fairphone2 does not offer this setting. Maybe this means that none of such adapters will work. I'll ask the fairphone manufacturer. Thanx!


Does the fairphone have otg, like does it work with a usb drive or mouse


Hi Ethan,

Thanx for your answer.

the file manager shows that /storage/usbotg is available, and I tried out and all of the following worked perfectly:

- connection to PC via usbotg

- external hard drive

- external SD card via a universal card reader

- mouse

(besides my question: thanx for giving me the idea to test a mouse at the Fairphone2! I liked it and I'll continue to use a mouse, at least when I'm sitting at my home desk ... )

But still my two USB to Ethernet adapters do not work (Davicom DM9621A, ASIX AX88772B) ...


Hi @basche_ralf ,

If you're interested, there are some apps available to help you do what you want. Unfortunately they all depend on your phone being rooted. Just "Google" Ethernet to USB android app. Here are just a couple of links.






1 件の回答


Check if you have the following setting in your phone. If so enable it. It may not be there. I have 3 different tablets - don't ask - only one has this setting and it is the only one that works with a USB to Ethernet adapter.

Go to Settings > Wireless and Networks > more, tap to enter and see if Ethernet is an option. If so tap to enter and tap on Use Ethernet.

September 1 by jayeff

Hi jayeff,

that is the way how I got the adapter working with my tablet. Unfortunately the Fairphone2 does not offer this setting. Maybe this means that none of such adapters will work. I'll ask the fairphone manufacturer. Thanx!

September 2 by Ralf

Does the fairphone have otg, like does it work with a usb drive or mouse

September 2 by Ethan Chow

Hi Ethan,

Thanx for your answer.

the file manager shows that /storage/usbotg is available, and I tried out and all of the following worked perfectly:

- connection to PC via usbotg

- external hard drive

- external SD card via a universal card reader

- mouse

(besides my question: thanx for giving me the idea to test a mouse at the Fairphone2! I liked it and I'll continue to use a mouse, at least when I'm sitting at my home desk ... )

But still my two USB to Ethernet adapters do not work (Davicom DM9621A, ASIX AX88772B) ...

September 3 by Ralf

Hi @basche_ralf ,

If you're interested, there are some apps available to help you do what you want. Unfortunately they all depend on your phone being rooted. Just "Google" Ethernet to USB android app. Here are just a couple of links.



September 4 by jayeff


スコア 0



1st to Sylvain Mignot: you did not enter new text, only repeated the previous comment thread ???

Today I tried to continue with my issue.

Unfortunately I updated the OS to 1.7.0 (successfully) , but: now the root access disappeared and the description how to root the device seems not to work anymore: I'm not able to update the boot loader.

sudo adb reboot bootloader

results in this message on PC:

error: device unauthorized. Please check the confirmation dialog on your device.

But on the Fairphone no confirmation dialog appears.

Any ideas?




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