
An action-based video camera with mountable and self-stabilizing capabilities;the HDR-AS30v features Wi-Fi/GPS and beautiful HD 1080p resolution for all your adventurous needs.

3回答 すべてを表示

"wait" flashing after turned on!

Device is flashing wait, after i turned on it.

Sometimes you can change mood from photo to video.. but when you push the record buttom it is again flashing wait and then it turning off automaticly..

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スコア 1
2 件のコメント

hi i wanted to inform you..

it was all about hardware..

i used the cam on my handbar that is why i damaged the coneection between lens and cam..

thay changed it for 50$

it is ok now..

if you will use it on bike pls use it on your helmet!!!


Hello!!! Sony HDR AS30 did not work when REC bottom pushed! On screen blinks text WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! Problem fixed.I took battery out of camera. Next i opened camera(two screws).After i unscrew lcd module screws(two) i open cameras body(motherboard and lcd module sides)and unplug lcd module side from motherboard.Than i check all the flex cables(lense cables-big with lense and motherboard and small which connects with motherboard)and i saw that two of them are not perfect in socket(sorry i'm Latvian.If there are some mistakes in english,sorry).I reconnect lense cables both side of cable and small cable also (very carefull!!! Be aware!!!).Than i returned them back each-very carefull and in perfect position!!! Than i put back lcd module panel to motherboard also connect flex cable and screw both screws back.Than i put in battery and mini sd card and SO!!! Camera works perfectly!!!! Push record and all is working perfect!!!!! Cameras issue was flex cables which were not in their places perfectly!!!






Check that the memory card is inserted properly. If it is and it is still showing wait can you try another card to prove whether the problem is with the camera or the card?

Here is a image that shows what type and class of card is suitable.

Block Image

Hopefully this is of some help.


スコア 4

5 件のコメント:

Hi Jayeff it is not about card..

ı have been using this card for 3 months..

After that one day ı just tried to turn on the cam but it is started to flash WAIT..

I don't noe what should ı do with this because it is my secend as30v but i can't use it as should be:(


Hi, Have you tried a different card? Do you get a different message when you remove the card and start the camera? You could also try updating/reinstalling the firmware https://www.sony.co.uk/support/en/conten...


after update it look like working.. but i have still problem with ideo mood..

after updated i entered the wif/multi and then pressed enter but it is writing pre/await after that nothing happened so i pressed enter and it says fail..

so should i wait little more or?


Do not understand what you mean by wif/multi? What are you trying to do?


Hello!!! Sony HDR AS30 did not work when REC bottom pushed! On screen blinks text WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! Problem fixed.I took battery out of camera. Next i opened camera(two screws).After i unscrew lcd module screws(two) i open cameras body(motherboard and lcd module sides)and unplug lcd module side from motherboard.Than i check all the flex cables(lense cables-big with lense and motherboard and small which connects with motherboard)and i saw that two of them are not perfect in socket(sorry i'm Latvian.If there are some mistakes in english,sorry).I reconnect lense cables both side of cable and small cable also (very carefull!!! Be aware!!!).Than i returned them back each-very carefull and in perfect position!!! Than i put back lcd module panel to motherboard also connect flex cable and screw both screws back.Than i put in battery and mini sd card and SO!!! Camera works perfectly!!!! Push record and all is working perfect!!!!! Cameras issue was flex cables which were not in their places perfectly!!!



Hello everybody! First of all i wanted to say that what you are about to read is for SONY ACTION CAM HDR-AS30V and i don't know if the solution is applied for other models too.

I had the same problem a week ago, after using the camera 3 years with no trouble at all. The above solutions you all described didn't work out for me so the wait problem still appeared. I found another solution that worked for me and finally solved the problem. After many ours of trying to figure out the problem i went to the conclusion that the problem was the vibrations on the camera. So here is what i did.

I unscrew the two little screws on the bottom lid of the camera and slide out the internal of the camera of its case. There are many videos on youtube of how to do this and it is very easy!

Then i unscrew the two Little screws that holds the lcd display. I moved a little and re-positioned the display in its place and screw tight again the two screws. I slide the camera back in its case, screw the two screws on the bottom tight , put the micro sd card and battery in and started the camera. Works great !!!! i tested with vibrating while recording and no problem at all!!! So all you have to do is to screw tight the screws of the camera to eliminate some vibrations that causes the WAIT indication keeping flashing!

I hope it works for you too, because that little camera worth its money !!!

Please reply if this solution worked out for you too.


スコア 1


Block Image

#after update it is so much better thank you for help


スコア 0

6 件のコメント:


Glad you got it sorted out.


Hi.. It me again after couple weeks it is flashing "wait" again i already updated it but i have still same problem.. You can check my previous comment for details.. Pls help me it is making me crazy:(((


Hi, What happens if you leave the memory card out and start the camera? Do you get a different message?


No jayeff it same no difference



I'm sorry I can't think of anything else. If reloading the firmware doesn't solve the problem it is either faulty firmware memory, so that the firmware is being corrupted or a hardware problem.





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