
Galaxy S7 Edgeは Samsungの2016年最新モデルGalaxy S7のスクリーンがカーブしたデザインです。2016年2月に発表、同年3月11日に発売されました。モデル番号はSM-G935です。

20回答 すべてを表示

Sim card stuck without tray, how to take it out?

'''I am not used to phones with sim card trays so I very stupidly put the entire sim card in the slot without the tray.

Is there a way to take it out without disassembling, and if it not how much disassembling will be needed?'''

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スコア 38
23 件のコメント

Hi. My sim card got stuck and I used a small safety pin without bending or heating it and slided it down the side and when it reached the bottom I bend it backwards and the sim card flew out


Hi Sharon. Well, yes, that IS one way to remove that pesky simcard, however, I guess my patience just didn't quite match yours, but, my method is a bit quicker. I simply used one round from my Glock nine-millimeter. It was pretty-much instantly removed....although that did not seem to fix the problem. BUT, it does give me the good reason to go out and buy a brand-new-shiny tablet, and, I suppose a new dining room table, china cabinet and, of coarse I'll be needing to replace our jumbo-screen T.V. as well. Oh , yeah, an' put up a picture or something over that hole before the wife comes home. Relatively common here, y'know replacing stuff....umm, we live in California. But, hey, thanks for sharing YOUR method Sharon. 'Sharon-shar-a-like' I always say....I, ah, I always say that. Anyway, I think I will certainly give that a try next time...probably.


Oh, it's just me again. Before leaving to get those replacement items Ì need, I thought some of you might be interested in knowing that I just found that discharged slug from my tech-procedure that I performed about an hour or so ago. Seems it was in the master bedroom, halfway-embedded into our Italian-marble-enclosed-bathtub-surround about three-feet past the shattered hand-etched and multi-color-stained-glass-shower-door. Oh, well...I'll also need to have the contractor guys come out to renew what they remodeled last summer. No problem, no REAL harm done here. Not NEAR as bad as the last time. Well, I'd better get goin'. Just wondering, though, WHY do we even HAVE sim cards in our stuff anyway?


The tech said “remove the sim card” so I did, using the only available thing, my earring, to poke in the hole. The sim card and the tray flew out on separate trajectories. I found the sim card but not the tray, so put the card in by itself. Bad move. Phone wouldn’t work and I couldn’t get the card out again. I tried all the remedies I could find on google, without success. It took hours. Hours more on the phone going up and down the Apple ladder until my husband found someone who knew someone who knew what would do the job. TAKE TWO SLIM PAPER CLIPS. SLIDE THEM DOWN ON EITHER SIDE OF THE CARD, THEN USE THEM TO WALK THE CARD OUT OF THE SLOT. It worked! The card suddenly flew out towards parts unknown, and I am in the process of looking for it.


P.S. Unfold the paper clips first so you have a long poker.






I had the same problem, but I solved it, my sister put a full size sim card without the tray, So the solution to this problem is : You use sewing needle, that you heat up with a lighter or candle, and you insert this needle in the stuck simcard as deep as you can, and wait 2 sec before trying to pull of the needle. You may have to try is a couple of times, but try to heat the needle a lot and handle with tweezer or something. That will definetely work, because that works perfectly for me, don't try to open the phone it's just a pain in the ass to reassemble it after.


スコア 52

46 件のコメント:

Wonderful suggesttion! It really work for me. Thank You!!


it really worked...and in just 1 try...thank you...btw: safety pin works ...yay!


Excellent suggestion ! Three minutes . Done.

Thank you


it works! thanks for the suggestion.


Oh no it doesn't work for me - think I've pushed the card in too far

Using the needle is scratching the sim card - urgh!!!!




Same thing happened to me yesterday. Got my new S7, while trying to install my micro SD card, the SIM card popped out of the tray and into the slot. Verizon was no help at all. Another cell phone/tablet fixit store said they would have to disassemble the phone. Nuts, I hadn't even activated the phone yet. I took a very small paper clip and straightened one bend. Then using a needle nose pliers, I made a 90 degree bend at the end of the straightened piece, only about 2mm long. I very gently got this bent portion behind the stuck SIM card and was able to pull it out. Card and phone both work fine. Hope this helps someone else!


スコア 14

9 件のコメント:

I used a Christmas tree ornament hanger - finer than a paperclip - with the slightest hook at the end. The sim card came right out!


Great tip. I followed your method , however I had pushed the sim card well in. I had to try and jiggle the the constructed tool and eventually it slowly eased out the sim. Many thanks for posting your tip.


What if you don’t have any of these tools


Find a paper clip or use a earring or if u don’t have those use some stapler/thumbtack


Christmas tree hanger with a small bend at the end for the win.




I managed to put the nano card inside iphone6 without the tray. I could not believe it and I also managed to push it further inside by desperately using the tray to try and remove it. By the time I'd finished it had fallen inside a fair way l. You could barely see it with a bright light ! I tried a few things but they did not work. I then heated a needle over a candle until it was very hot and then placed it inside against the plastic back of sim card. I then left it for five minutes and lo ! it came out easily first go. I was most relieved ! I would have had to make an appointment at the genius bar. I think they would have had to remove the cover to get it out. There are two small screws you remove to take the back off the iphone. You can also try to do it yourself with a special screwdriver but getting the off and back on is a bit tricky. I felt a bit of a goose--but then learnt that other people had done it too. Anyway this worked for me so all is well that ends well


スコア 6

7 件のコメント:

Worked for me. Jazaakallah khair


thank you SSSOOOO much


Worked for my Droid Mini


Can't get anything to work, but your post made me feel joyfull in that I felt I wasn't alone in my tech ically challenged attempt at retrieving my SIM card. Nice job in writing that comical joyfull piece. Well done.


Worked for me Thank you!!




I have faced the same problem and I managed to get the sim out without removing the back.

Simply heat up a pin or a needle.

Use pliers to hold it and carefully stick it to the edge of the sim.

Dont forget to remove any plastick cover around the phone to avoid accident touch as it will melt.

Heat up the pin till it is red .

You may check the link for photos.http://galaxys7stucksim.blogspot.com/201...


スコア 4

2 件のコメント:

I'd put the very small light micro nano card into wrong slot of an Xperia mobile phone, without its retainer. I could see the edge so I used a piece of sellotape, fixed by sellotape, stuck on a thin stiff piece of plastic the width of the nano card, so that sticky part was on outside and tight on the plastic. pushed it down and it adheredjust to nano card just enough to get it out assisted by gravity.


OMG this is such a good idea!! I was about to heat a pin and stick it to my sim but was worried about damage to both my phone and the SIM card. Thank you so much for this idea!!



Hi there all, thanks for sharing the tips. I used a paper clip and made a 90deg bend and it worked better compared to heating up the needle/pin.


スコア 4

3 件のコメント:

Mine was the sim card slot/tray is broken leaving the other half and the sim card stucked on the phone. Is there a way to pull it out? Im afraid I might damage the mother board if I used needle or anythng pointed to take it out


Did you solve it? I got the same issue right now.


thank you so so so much. i had the same problem today and i spent my whole day trying to get it back out. i tried using 2 paper clips, knocking my phone onto a cushion, heating up a needle (tried 3 times did not work!), even went on apple and chatted to an expert and finally i though i'd try out your way and it worked the first time. thank you so much!! i have literally panicked the whole day and now its fixed i'm so happy! thanksssssss <333



Im aware that there is an answer to this already, but i would like to link to this guide, if anyone reading for an answer is ever worried about damaging the reader itself.

How to Remove a SIM from Samsung Galaxy S7, if inserted without tray

This is an S7, not an edge, but the procedure itself is near similar.


スコア 4

You can put glue onto some thing and put that into the slot. Then after the glue dries then pull the object out slowly. Make sure the glue is good quality.


スコア 1

If part of it is sticking out, I have been able to get it out with really sticky tape, like duct tape or packing tape.

You would just get it to stick to the SIM card and you can use it as grip to pull it out.


スコア 1


Hoover it out.




The needle way fcking works


スコア 1

you will have to take the back cover off and take the motherboard out. then you will need a needle to pick the simcard out. have a nice repair



スコア 0

My drawer on my Samsung galaxy 7 will not stay closed


スコア 0


how did you solve this? i´m having the same problem



My sim card holder is missing how can i get another one for my galaxy note 5


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

My sim card tray is broken and is stuck inside in the phone,i manage to take the sim card but the sim tray is still in the phone.any solutions?


Mine, both sim card and the other half of the tray are still inside the phobe



Hey guys,

I had the same problem. The phone was new and I had just opened it and ended up accidentally inserting the SIM in the slot without the tray. I took a paper clip and bent it like iwhh86 suggested, pushed it inside the slot deep and wooooh, the card came out :).

Thanks a lot for the suggestion and good luck to the rest.


スコア 0


I did that and the SIM card reader was permanently destroyed. Had to buy another brand new phone



I had the same problem, I just cut the fat end off of a hairpin and stuck it beside the sim card, then just popped it out.


スコア 0

Help! I can't get my sim card out I've tried a million things!


スコア 0

I am not answering a question but just being thankful for all you genius people out there. I had pushed my sim card so far down and took it to phone experts and he had said he would hv to open my samsung 6 edge apart but hooray after following your genius ideas i got it out with a paper clip.


スコア 0

I could not see nothing but the edge of the white sim card that was in without the tray..I got a really flat steak knife and slid it in on top of the sim card .the knife was in between the metal strip across top ( that holds the sim down)I gently slid my knife in under the metal strip and as I push the knife forward I slightly pushed the knife in a slight downwarn angle and pulled the knife out ..The Sim pulled out enough . to do the rest with my fingers.slightly angling downward the knife caused the sim to pop right out .


スコア 0

I did what azskip said... and its working.. thanks a lot i dont need to go to samsung to repair it... so happy..


スコア 0

The needle popped out both times. I put a hook in the tip of a pin and used those holes to get a grip, then got it out. Whoo. Thought I'd totally screwed up my new phone right out of the box.



スコア 0

I am still stuck - i pushed it in that far i cant get it out tried heating the needle up but now the out bit has snapped and the smaller part is still in and i cant get it out - any other suggestions because the phone experts told me it would cost £200 to get it out because they would need to break the screen then replace it because of the type of phone.


スコア 0


try using the sewing needle trick as i did you will sind it on this thread



Hi, we had big SIM card stuck in the slot of a Samsung J5 without tray. The hot needle trick did not work. What worked is bending the tip of the needle so that it became a tiny small hook, managed to insert the needle, rotate it so that the hook got a grip into the plastic of the SIM card and voila! It came out!!! Hope this helps, good luck to you!!!!!!


スコア 0

This worked for me in 1 try (Galaxy S8, Nano SIM). It seemed safer and less likely to damage internals than a red hot poker. Here’s a tool I made in less than a minute: http://tinyurl.com/ycfq7d4u


スコア 0

I shoved a simcard in the same size as the sim holder. Didnt know it needed a holder fml.I took a razor blade and a tiny little flathead and just dug n pryed it took some time n stress but I got the %#*@ thing out you gotta be careful not to chip off pieces of the razor blade and Cargill not to cut out pieces of the SIM chip. Now im looking to buy a sim holder for a s6 edge+.


スコア 0

I had to use repair shop to remove my Samsung A70 Sim Card Tray. Also no one seemed to hold stock online when the device was new out. It would be amazing if SIM card trays could be sold in store in every city lol

Have left a link where I got mine



スコア 0

I did the same as the first comment and put my simcard in without the draw ,although mine was the mini sim card .

What i did was to get my wife to hold the samsung J6 on it side sim slot up ,and then i was able to put 2 sewing needles each side of the sym and pull it out .


スコア 0

I used a pin to get it out, it came out beautifully. Thank you for your contribution :)


スコア 0

Thanks for this tip! the paper clip with a small bend from the needle nose pliers did the trick. Just be careful not to lose the sim when it comes flying out at you. Thanks again


スコア 0


iphone 8 btw



Just happened to me hours ago, my iPhone 11 screen broke so now there's black on the left side, my stupid ass put the sim card without the sim tray in an iPhone 8. grab a small hoop earring, and if it's not pushed back where you can't see the sim card. But if you can still see it then play around with the earring in the phone and carefully pull it out. Don't shove the earring into the phone and push it back it'll make it worse. Rotate the earring until you can pull it out don't use your hands. Hope this helps


スコア 0


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