
2014年に発売された、廉価版のラップトップにはWindows 8.1と1TB OneDriveが搭載されています。

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HP Stream 11 wont boot up

i have a HP stream 11 laptop im working on. it sits and spins at the HP logo and wont boot up. just HP logo and restart to HP logo. i wanted to take the laptop apart but its nothing ive ever see befor. its an all in one laptop with no CD drive. i took all the screws out and it still wont open up.

what yall think? thanks!

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スコア 4



UPDATE! and fix!

so after fiddling with it for a couple DAYS. i got my hands on a windows 8 CD. i put that onto my flashdrive and was able to install windows 8 onto it. i dont fully understand why but i do believe its a setting in the bios called legacy boot. you have older boot for win vista, win xp and win7. with win8 being the specailly little flower it is. it needs a different boot bios setup. so i just slapped default settings and installed off of the flashdrive.

problems with this fix.

this laptop doesnt have any key codes on it, in its box, or on anything it came with. since i bought it second hand, the only thing i could think of would be the first owner got that in an email or from where they bought it from. so sadly i had to use a key from a junked laptop.

all in all these laptops are the best "under 200 bucks" laptops i have seen. the light weight, long battery, and just simpleness of it makes these a hoot! perfect for kids or a first computer for elderly. you dont pay alot so your not out alot. totally a good high school laptop. only downside is storage being 32GBs but hey. if you wanted to haul around a mountain, get a dump truck! this is a city car kinda computer. small, cheap and simple! plus get an external! safer in the long run!

thank you ifixit for being here! and your tools are awesome!


you can only replace the screen on these. everything else is just to much work.


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

how did you get the laptop to boot from the usb drive without access to the bios? i am having the same problem i can not access the bios at all though.


as the computer is booting up. hold shift. this will boot it into tech mode. as for bios i think its just del, tab, or F11, or F9. you can look that up online.



My issue has to do with a black screen on boot. I am thinking its the LCD cable. I connect the computer to an external drive and I see the OS with no problem. So its has to be hardware.


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

Hi @blk182atn7 ,

Try booting with an external monitor connected (which I assume that you meant that you had). When the desktop shows on it shine a torch held at an angle close to the LCD screen of the laptop to see if the desktop is "visible"on it. If it is you have a "backlight " problem, which may be caused by either a faulty lid switch (or lid switch connection), a faulty video cable -or connection at either end - or a faulty LCD screen.

If there is nothing "visible" when using a torch light then it is either a faulty video cable, a faulty video cable connection at either end or a faulty LCD screen.

To determine where the problem is here is a link to the service manual for your laptop (if you have a model between d000-d099 - you didn't specify your exact model number), scroll to p.46 to see the necessary pre-requisites and the procedures to remove the display panel.

If you determine that the LCD panel is the problem on p.17 of the manual you will find the part number (Item #3) for the panel. Search online by using "just the part number only" for suppliers of the part.



Need help my says boot device not found please install an operrating system on you computer hard disk (3fo) but i ran all diagnostics and everything is good with that please help



if you are still trying to use the device i would suggest reinstalling windows

i have the same device but you would need acces to bios to reinstall windows

if you do not have bios acces i would suggest going to an expert


スコア 0

Have problems like this how fix need help


スコア 0


when booting up hold shift. this should put the computer into a tech screen where you can run restore or fix C drive. hope that helps!




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