
PlayStation Vita, PCH-2000 シリーズの第二世代モデルです。PS Vita SlimもしくはPS Vita 2000として呼称されています。2013年秋に日本国内で発売され、2014年5月に米国で販売が開始されました。

20回答 すべてを表示

Where can I get a new battery?

Okay so here's the deal. I need a brand new ps vita battery. Problem is most people who put it up for sale say it's for the dlim. Truthfully it's not. The battery is allways to long and is the battery for the regular. I know because the dimensions of their battery never match mine. They are allways skinnier and longer. The slim's battery is a bit wider and shorter. It comes closer to a square more then the regualr. So my question is where can I get the exact battery I need. Without having to buy a brand new vita slim?

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スコア 3



Sony doesn't make them available. There are some rather sketchy folks selling them on eBay. I don't see these anywhere else so you may have to take a gamble on it.

We'd like to sell them on iFixit but just haven't gotten enough demand for this particular model yet.


スコア 3


But they did announce that they can be changed. I guess I have to actually contact them. Thanks for the help



I'm not sure how you gauge demand. When you look at the slim teardown sites, there are tons of hits and multiple threads across multiple sites looking for a source. There are none on eBay and the China sites seem to be out. I just bought several more tools from IFI to open my slim only to find out my battery from eBay was for the phat. I have the orange flashing light and no amount of attempts to charge work. I disconnected the battery and am going to let it sit overnight and then reconnect, reassemble and hope. Please stock the batteries. Sell them in a kit with the tools until you make your investment back or whatever.


スコア 2


See on Aliexpress...SP86R



I need a PS Vita slim battery!!!! Please help somone


スコア 0


I need PS vita slim pch2001 I have searched virtually every where with no success. Can anyone recommend a genuine seller please




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