
Wi-Fi, GSMとCDMA モデルのiPad第二世代です。あるモデルはiPad3発売前に改良されたものがあります。修理は困難で、熱で温めてこじ開ける作業が必須です。

20回答 すべてを表示

Can I fix or repair an I cloud lock?

Is there a way to unlock a locked icloud ipad 2?

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スコア 1



No. Either take it in with your original receipt to Apple or hold the gun on the guy you got it from until you get the number.


スコア 2

short answer is no. long answer is there are some shady business practices that try and get around it but the only thing I've seen that "worked" is replacing the logic board which is essentially replacing the whole device which makes 0 sense and isn't worth doing.

If the device is legitimately yours, and can provide proof to that end (a copy of the original receipt for example) an Apple store can help you.

Unfortunately, Apple doesn't provide a way of returning the device to its original owner either. While Apple can see who it belongs to, and they have contact information for that person they do not ever use it to return a lost/stolen device to them and won't contact the owner on your behalf.

Why would Apple help someone get their already purchased device back when they can expect that a new apple device will be purchased since they don't have that one anymore. One more reason I hate Apple.


スコア 1

2 件のコメント:

There is a lady selling an ipad 2 for really cheap. I don't know if she is the original owner or not. The digitizer is also broken on it which I can replace. But the thing is, it is icloud locked. That's why I wanted to come to you guys and see what I can do and what my options ar .


its most likely lost/stolen. Why would someone go to the effort to sell for cheap a device but are unable to go to the effort to contact apple and recover their "forgotten" passcode to the device? Better steer clear of it friend.




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