
14" business laptop released in 2014. One of the first Haswell business laptops on the market.

13回答 すべてを表示

Why doesnt my computer work properly?

I dropped my laptop from a table.After dropping from table it worked for sometime and after sometime my HDD LED light didnt work.When I tryt to open computer the screen goes white and opens after longtime.Te HDD light glows for sometime and gets off.My computer works when the HDD light gows but get dead when it is off.How can I solve my problem?Is my motherboard dead?

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スコア -1

1 件の回答


Hi, It sounds to me that your hard drive was damaged when you dropped your computer. You probably need to replace the hard drive and install a fresh copy of the operating system. If you don't have a disk you can probably get one from Dell for a low cost. I am providing a link on replacing the hard drive. Hope this helps.



スコア 3


I agree with rj713. You most likely damaged the platters in your hard drive when you dropped it. If you can't get data off it that you need, check out SpinRite from Steve Gibson's Gibson Research Company. The link is http://www.grc.com. Once you've recovered the data (if you can), install a new HD in the computer - I recommend an SSD, which has no moving parts - and reinstall your operating system.




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