
An automatic drip coffee maker, manufactured beginning in 2010, by Mr. Coffee. Also identified by model numbers BVMC-SJX36GT and BVMC-SJX36GTWM.

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Why does water leak at the base of my coffee maker?


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スコア 7
9 件のコメント

Is the leakage onto the warming plate or onto the counter and approximately how much are you talking about. Also when is it leaking? Is it leaking coffee or water?


Leaking water onto counter about 2-3 ozs.


Maker is a pod Hamilton Beach.


Ours is also leaking water on the counter about 4 ozs


Why does my Mr.coffee maker leak water underneath






It is one of the two hoses that is split. This is my second coffee maker within the last year and a half. I threw the first one away without even looking at it to determine what the problem was on the coffee maker last year. Today I decided to take the bottom off and take a look. I found one of the hoses had split. We are having to buy another coffee maker tonight.


スコア 3

2 件のコメント:

This is brand new. About 2 cups of water on counter when I just did the initial run water only before making coffee. No help available.


I am not taking apart a brand new appliance.



Ive had 2 now that have leaked from the bottom slowly when water was sitting in the resevior. Decided to take the thing apart on the second one and found a loose hose clamp on one of the hoses connected to the resevior. I could tell this was where the leak was by the amount of corrosion on the connection to the metal tubing there. I put the clamp back in the proper position, filled up the resevior and no more leak.

Of course this was after buying a new coffee pot from a different manufacturer. &&^& Mr Coffee! They used to make great coffee pots that would last forever but now they just make cheap crap. Not gonna be buying their brand again.


スコア 1

Well, without further information I can point you to a number of things.

If coffee: It is likely your decanter is off center during brewing. Additionally, if you own a glass decanter, it's possible that it is cracked and leaking. If this is the case, you may want to replace with a metal thermal decanter that is more resistant to that kind of damage.

If water, there are several things that could be going on. Your first step may be to visit the Troubleshooting page for this device as it has several causes for water around the base. Many users experience cracked water tubing in these types of coffee makers regardless of brand, so that is something you should definitely check.


スコア 0

4 件のコメント:

This coffee maker is a pod.


I need an answer to my coffee maker which is a pod.


Have you made sure that your drip tray is seated correctly?


Water is coming out the back at the overflow "outlet". It is designed to allow anything over 12 cups empty out the back so as to not damage the machine. On mine, I have a small rubber piece you can feel from the outside and on the inside, there is an approx 1-1 1/2 in hose inside the reservior horizontally that would allow anything over 12 cups to drain out. Seems like condensation is gathering in this short hose, and running out the back. Nothing in manual helps. Can't believe it was designed this way. I'll be taking mine back.



One thing not in the guide is steam condensation. You'll see small puffs of steam coming from the bottom. If enough deposits form around the aluminum tube connected to the rubber hoses, or the hose is old and brittle, it won't seal well so steam leaks out were the metal meets the rubber tube held by the spring clip, this condenses on the bottom as drips and drabs, rather than a bigger leak caused by a hole in the hose. Doing the vinegar clean on coffee maker while it is new will reduce the build up and prolong the life but it will happen anyway just at a later date or when the hoses give way. So if you intend to look for leaks, have a spare hose ready as even if it isn't leaking, just removing it could tear a worn, old, but still good hose.


スコア 0

It sounds like a Seal problem. If the seal is in a removable water reservoir, such as with the Black & Decker coffee makers, then all you have to do is replace the Reservoir. But if the seal is built in (like most regular coffee makers), then you need to purchase a whole new coffee maker.


スコア 0

2 件のコメント:

On my generic brand I fixed the leaking by making sure handle on decanter is turned to the right. It leaks when handle is in the center.


On Cuisinart ss-5 leaked from day 1, faulty gasket design, put a small amount of swimming pool gasket lube on it with Q-tip will fix the problem



Make a point to clean the Minipresso GR much of the time, notwithstanding, as a couple of clients note that the item's solidness can decay if not appropriately thought about.  '''Coffee Maker''' Depending upon a basic yet immortal plan, Moka pots have been the most well known stovetop espresso creator since their beginning, more than eighty years prior. What's more, no Moka pot is superior to anything Bialetti's Moka Express.


スコア 0

My Cuisinart DGB 650 aluminum heater tube located under the carafe is leaking. In order to disassemble the base, you will need. T10 security bit (it has a hole in the center and is available at Harbor Freight) to unscrew the base screws . After disassembling the unit, corrosion has eaten a hole in it. I was able to locate the replacement heater EH1257 from ereplacementparts.com for $17.77 plus tax and shipping. Upon arrival I spray painted (with Rustoleum self etching primer) the holding bracket and heater ( masking off where to hoses connect) with self etching primer from Rustoleum #249323 so this will never happen again.

this is the culprit:

Block Image

Update (07/19/2020)

There are 1 of two reasons:

  1. Leak in hose
  2. leak in heater element, like this:
Block Image


スコア 0

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スコア 0

Materials: It is significant that the materials are of high caliber and have great similarity with various cleansers , additionally guarantee that they are anything but difficult to clean and that they demonstrate great protection from steady use and applied powers hogarbrillante


スコア 0

I know that this is an old question but iFixit is good for helping multiple people with the same problem. My Mr. Coffee “Automatic espresso, cappuccino & latte maker” Model BVMC-EM7000DS is leaking from the bottom and not creating steam, having been in storage now for two years. It was working fine before it went into a box.

The machine could in theory drip clear water or coffee. Mine was dripping water. The unit normally drips into the overflow tray but mine was dripping under the back/left corner. Many screws need to be removed (delta-Y shaped) from the bottom panel. Once you’ve removed seven screws, the bottom does not want to come off. Situated in the middle of the tray area is a 1/2” horizontal clip as part of the plastic. You’ll need to ease the entire bottom backwards to clear this obstacle then the bottom panel will come off. Obviously, you should have removed power and everything removable.

Inspect all hoses and hose connections. Mine were all in working order. Mine appears to be leaking from the white water pump which connects the inlet tube from the reservoir to the tank which boils the water. It is unlikely that I will be able to order replacement parts for this water pump. I will still engage the company to see what options I might have.


スコア 0


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